stdoubtloud t1_j6bfdag wrote
Reply to The Tooth Fairy injects mass amounts of newly-created money into the economy and therefore directly causes inflation. by I_Seen_Some_Stuff
Thus demonstrating that if your economy is faltering it is better to inject money for the poorest to spend (getting it into circulation immediately) than to give tax cuts to megacorps to pretend that the value will trickle down into the economy.
stdoubtloud t1_j5d7pqy wrote
Reply to A woman who got wasted at a Marilyn Manson concert blew up $15 million worth of property. She's suing the company that served her. by end_of_rainbow
Funny thing, if the bar had continued to serve her and then she drove home, it is almost possible that they'd have a case. As it is, they cut her off and acted (semi) responsibly. If this case doesn't get immediately dismissed it'll spell some tough times ahead for the US hospitality industry
stdoubtloud t1_j0k2be8 wrote
Any state institution that allows unauthorised installation of software on their computers should have a long hard look at themselves. Lock that shit down before the next ransomware hit or data breach.
stdoubtloud t1_ixy206g wrote
Reply to TIL that according to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term "grandfather clock" originated from the popular song "My Grandfather's Clock", written in 1876 by American composer Henry Clay Work. by jvsrvs
Henry Clay Work, though rarely credited, was also the inventor of pottery - his name lives on in the art.
stdoubtloud t1_ixphjzg wrote
Reply to comment by CuddlyCory in What a Black Friday bargain!! by DrTyrant
Thank you for your appreciation of my vague theory. It is now, therefore, truth.
stdoubtloud t1_ixnfvrx wrote
Reply to comment by CuddlyCory in What a Black Friday bargain!! by DrTyrant
Is it because prices go up and down like the profile of a camel's back?
stdoubtloud t1_iutf2no wrote
Reply to comment by dakinekine in Removing plastic pollution from water using nanoparticles by filosoful
I know, right. No one ever talks about the real problem: cytotoxic wasps.
stdoubtloud t1_it975kl wrote
Reply to comment by Kezly in Thousands at risk as A&E queues stop NHS paramedics attending 999 calls by 1dad1kid
If your choices are limited to between the ongoing train wreck that has been the Tories for the last, idk feels like forever, and Corbyn, you have some serious problems. FFS! Surely out of 67m people they can find a bunch that are moderately balanced somewhere between all consuming selfish greed and batshit crazy unworkable fantasy?
stdoubtloud t1_j6f9q37 wrote
Reply to comment by APC2_19 in The Tooth Fairy injects mass amounts of newly-created money into the economy and therefore directly causes inflation. by I_Seen_Some_Stuff
No. But i am talking about the other end of the cycle. At this point we need the tooth fairy to stop paying for teeth and start charging for her services...