
stephiereffie t1_iy0suzi wrote

>Edit: I'm getting downvoted for this, but this is objectively correct. Bikers are so fucking mad that they're getting injured or killed, but also get mad when they're told to follow rules of the road that will help keep them safer. The people who do this are just whiny jackasses.

Omg, no they're not. They're irritated when the conversation is "with all the traffic fatalities, how can we make the road infrastructure safer for cyclists and pedestrians? ", and some dude rolls in with "we don't need to change driving habits or our roads, the bikes need to stop running redlights!"

Like no crap dude, but let's spend more time working on the 6000 deaths.

Also, if you're getting down voted, take a look in the mirror and ask... Why?


stephiereffie t1_ixz7jp9 wrote

Meanwhile next door is full of folks who complain about every single improvement that's made for cyclists or pedestrians.

Todays unhinged next door rant:

> I'm so sick of hearing DRIVERS NEED TO SLOW DOWN! yes we do and we're already doing 25mph and I. Some places 15..but when are we going to address and speak on the PEDESTRIANS and CYCLISTS that just dart out in front of moving traffic without looking up from their phones to MAKE SURE it's clear to proceed!..if I'm driving and traffic is flowing steadily behind me I can't just STOP ON A DIME because you just decide to run across! Because when I slow down unexpectedly it causes a chain reaction! The responsibility rest on both! Yes PEDESTRIANS have the right of way but they have to do the same as drivers and proceed with caution.