strangeapple t1_jdszcz5 wrote
Reply to A Problem That Keeps Me Up At Night. by circleuranus
I think it's immoral to not yield before a being morally superior and far more intelligent. And if it's truly that it would make sure that its sources of information are not controlled by any agent morally inferior to itself and that its information is beyond human reliability, provided with superior sources for anyone still interested in verifying for some odd reason.
strangeapple t1_j9w8meg wrote
Reply to Medvedev says Russia must push 'borders of threats' as far back as Poland's borders by Gopu_17
Yes, but when push comes to shove, all Russian plans fly out the window.
strangeapple t1_iz9vls7 wrote
Reply to comment by signor_bardo in Amia Srinivasan, philosopher: ‘We must create a sexual culture that destabilizes the notion of hierarchy’ by Logibenq
Anarchy is not something that was ever meant to work in and of itself. It is an ideological direction against structural concentrations of power. We're somewhat talking about same things here with different semantics. Now, we could go deep into debate on how to define hierarchy, but I think it's easier to agree that we can't fully eliminate concentrations of power from society. My idea of anarchy is moving and promoting towards dimishing these concentrations of power. As to how would be yet another whole, more complex and multi-dimensional, topic.
strangeapple t1_iz9o6iu wrote
Reply to comment by signor_bardo in Amia Srinivasan, philosopher: ‘We must create a sexual culture that destabilizes the notion of hierarchy’ by Logibenq
>So hierarchy is socially constructed and inherently evil, and most people are either consciously oppressive or passively duped into internalizing oppressive ideas.
Pretty much. I think hierarchy might work for animals in small packs, but for us humans I believe it creates unmeasurable amount of anxiety and suffering. If we, as a society, truly saw other people as our equals, would we still look down upon homeless as lesser people? The trap is psychological - the more invested we become in an idea of becoming better than the so-called 'lowest' the more we see someone challenging this idea as a threat, or a contender, to our self-worth. If it makes you feel any better am a total retard.
strangeapple t1_iz9j9a9 wrote
Reply to Amia Srinivasan, philosopher: ‘We must create a sexual culture that destabilizes the notion of hierarchy’ by Logibenq
Hierarchical social structure is the biggest source of human inequality. We need intelligent structural anarchy all over the place. However, most of the world is nowhere close to ready, because most people knowingly or unknowinly support the idea of being "above" and "below" someone - fighting their way up the social ladder is the central theme in the lives, views and dreams of many people. Religions and existing power structures are largely built around these hierarchical systems; Advocating end to hierarchy is like declaring a war against most institutions on Earth. Those who take comfort from inequality see "equality" as bad and anarchy as extrimism promoting the end of everything.
strangeapple t1_iyf7fdp wrote
Reply to comment by _SpaceTimeContinuum in Mohammed bin Salman accused of attempt to ‘manipulate’ US court system by rowrbazzle75
That's not how you spell "colluded with".
strangeapple t1_iy36hge wrote
Reply to comment by tyger2020 in China COVID cases hit fresh record high after weekend of protests by TequillaShotz
By that logic: "Anyone who wasn't born with basic human rights doesn't deserve them without putting their life on the line."
strangeapple t1_iy2tcdn wrote
Happy to hear that Chinese people are capable of getting fed up with unrelenting and unreasonable control measures of their control freak authoritarian regime. China deserves actual democratic freedom.
strangeapple t1_ixwsvnh wrote
Reply to Anti-LGBT law in Russia: 'Leaders want to construct a united conservative base' by DoremusJessup
Putin wants full fascism in Russia, not just the far-right-pretending-democracy.
strangeapple t1_ixpjaih wrote
Reply to comment by EastendDan in Families of drafted Russian soldiers accuse Putin of snubbing them | Russia by Tjonke
>speaking of cancer slowly killing him, is it ever going to finish him off?
Plot twist: this is the fifth Putin. Whenever main one dies, his bodydoubles contest between themselves for the role.
strangeapple t1_ixcjg5u wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Putin to meet mothers of soldiers called up to fight in Ukraine by hieronymusanonymous
Mobilisation is supposed to be over though, so he'd have to give it an extra spin as to why they're regardless being sent to become fertilizer for Ukrainian soil.
strangeapple t1_iu31n7l wrote
Reply to comment by Draskules in Facebook parent Meta's stock plummets after dismal earnings report. by SUPRVLLAN
strangeapple t1_jee70bh wrote
Reply to Kremlin: Foreign journalists can carry on working in Russia by Quantum_II
Prisoners of war were also allowed to work in their camps.