
swankpoppy t1_jcnjh9j wrote

I would add an interesting chemistry tidbit that has to do with colors.

Different chemical bonds will absorb different wavelengths of electromagnetic energy depending on how stable they are. In organic chemistry, a lot of times that has to do with how much electrons are delocalized (or “have the freedom to move to different bond sites”) over large numbers of double bonds. If you look up the structure for carotene (the chemical that makes carrots orange), you’ll notice a ton of these alternating single and double bonds. The electronics are delocalized over that whole stretch. That pushes the absorbance to higher wavelength. A lot of molecules of colors have a high degree of stabilizing electron resonance like that. Tomatoes have even more conjugation so they absorb higher up into the red wavelength region. In general, all those are high wavelengths for chemical bonds to be absorbing, which is why it takes so much conjugation. More typical bonds with less conjugation will absorb down in the UV spectra or lower wavelengths.

Here’s a source that talks about some colors in food and their chemical structure. Oh it has blueberries too! That molecule looks super cool. :)


swankpoppy t1_j7fe235 wrote

So how does that break out? Are ads the only source of revenue YouTube has? I would have thought there would be direct revenue too, from YouTube TV, things like that. Is that in “other revenue”? I’m asking if anyone has that data. Is 100% of YouTube’s revenue from ads because that’s what this is implying and it seems wrong.

I don’t like how this chart is supposed to show where all the money goes, but has $29B for YouTube, basically the size most companies, as one bucket that’s shown as all ad revenue. I don’t believe that’s true.


swankpoppy t1_iymp58w wrote

I disagree that it is hard to understand. I think it shows the trends really well actually. Maybe kind of complicated, yes, but I was able to digest it pretty quickly.

I do always have a problem with the size of circles being used to illustrate data since the area of a circle goes as a square, or is the diameter (instead of the area) of the circle correlated to the data?