
t3hmau5 t1_j1ju2ts wrote

Gravity is the result of matter warping spacetime.

Imagine setting a really heavy bowling ball on a trampoline. It will sink, stretching and curving the fabric of the trampoline that otherwise was flat, uncurved. If you were to roll a smaller ball straight past (but not at) the well created by the bowling ball, it will circle the well, gradually spiraling inwards as it loses energy. Analagous to one body orbiting another.

Matter does pretty much the same thing to spacetime, but its in all directions (since spacetime isn't a flat plane like the trampline). Non-euclidean geometry is the geometry of curved surfaces (put simply) and can shed insight on some of your more specific questions.

Edit: watch this Video


t3hmau5 t1_j19lp8a wrote

A small amount won't hurt you, it'll be very uncomfortable. The danger from these products near the groin and especially the anus is they contain a chemical (Methyl salicylate) similar to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and those areas will readily absorb the salicylate through the skin. Too much can cause the same liver issues as overdosing on aspirin.

You didn't apply nearly enough to be worried, but probably avoid taking any aspirin for the next day just to be safe.