
tablestack t1_jdr8ez9 wrote

Absolutely not christians, that's laughable that you even suggest that. It's less clear about muslims and especially palestinians, their treatment isn't nearly as bad as most view it. Consider the fact palestinians can go and work in israel but not in egypt and i can go on and on. Their treatment can be massively improved and i believe it will help but the army doesn't just go and kill random civilian palestinians


tablestack t1_jdq2z69 wrote

The problem for the government isn't the protesters having military training. It's that due to the nature of mandatory service the army will never turn on the people. I'm very serious under no circumstances will the army ever even dare to attack the protesters. Bibi lost as soon as he tried all that's left is to see when he finally gives up and accordingly how bad his punishment his going to be. This entire move is seen as essentially treason and considering the fact both the ultra nationalist and ultra orthodox aren't liked by the general public this government is a dead man walking