
t1_j241e4i wrote

I haven't heard the one about mattress stores. The one about laundromats is plausible, but you aren't going to be able to launder much money through a laundromat. They may be an almost exclusively cash business, but it's not as much as you think.

I work at a bank, and the laundromats we work with bring in less than 1000 a week. The guy who owns the laundromat also has vending machines and a car wash that is included in the deposit. If they suddenly started bringing more than that, us bank tellers would immediately be suspicious. A mildly successful restaurant will easily bring in 1000+ a day in cash, it would be less suspicious if a restaurant was bringing in larger quantities of cash than usual, especially if they said something like their card reader is broken or they have some special that is really taking off.


t1_iyepvho wrote

Bank teller here. The kind of check fraud that I see the most often is that someone will steal account information, usually a business account, and then make fake checks using that account info. They will then deposit these checks. If it looks legitimate and the account has funds, bank tellers won't always look deep into the checks. Then the check clears and the person depositing it can withdraw it.