
tempestveil t1_j90tp9e wrote

our electric bill is never over 72-75$ USD a month here in Pennsylvania USA... used to be 55-60$ but they did tell us an increase was coming. Still reasonable. (for now.. )


tempestveil t1_j6xb72m wrote

according to the article it costs roughly 30,000 to close a well and PA is receiving 100million from Federal funding for precisely this problem. The companies that worked here should be responsible for the rest and they should begin closures immiedately.

Pathetic cash grab for the rich politicians here and for the owners and workers from other states to strip and rape our beautiful Pennsylvania of its resources is all this was in the end.


tempestveil t1_j5z0vlq wrote

yup and then people like Donald Trump get to create, establish, and then go defunct on scams like "Trump Universities"

Its really just rich people vs everyone else. They dont care about your creed, race, sex, all they care is that were poor and theyre rich and that it stays that way because they want the control&power. Insane.


tempestveil t1_j4um8i6 wrote

yeah, but then what are we gonna do with excess tax dollars if we don't have politicians that actually use them and use them the right way to benefit the Pennsylvanias who paid in?

Pennsylvania had a $4 billion state tax surplus last year and politicians just sit on their hands with it they don't spend it they don't have any plans to spend it... It's fucking infuriating.

I wish somebody would let us fucking put our hats out and collect off the top of every service and good they use and buy.