
tenaciouslittlemonkE t1_j6o2j9x wrote

I’ve lived in Madison for 15 years and have two kids in the school system.

I honestly don’t think I’d give either town the edge on schools or quality of education. They are both excellent.

Madison has better athletics.

Guilford has a better green and restaurants and is a much more agrarian community.

Both towns have excellent public libraries.

Madison has much better beaches including hammonasset state park.

Guilford has better community events and a more community focused police force.

Madison has a country club if that’s your thing.

Home prices tend to be a bit higher in Madison.


tenaciouslittlemonkE t1_isub1cm wrote

I’m in Madison and I go to the Madison wine exchange, or the wine thief.

If I’m buying in bulk I order from the wine cellar in Waterbury. They have free shipping deals every now and then on cases.