
tevinodevost t1_ixvaln5 wrote

Yep. Of course on Reddit I also explain in plain language, and it's important to ensure that the real truth (that antivaxxers die disproportionately and claiming that "most deaths are vaxxed" are a misuse of statistics) is pushed in front of the lies. If a user is beligerent, I ninja edit my top comment to push the truth in front of the untruths.


tevinodevost t1_ixva2mj wrote

Herman. Cain. Awards.

When unvaccinated people disproportionately die (die beyond their numbers) that is a pandemic of the unvaccinated and you know it to be true.

> In the UK most of the people who died (after the 'vaccines' were made available) had been given at least one dose.

What part of undervaccinated is not clear here? It's not good to be not-up-to-date on vaccines!

> The unvaccinated did no worse and may have the added benefit of avoiding the many side effects.

A redditor told you the fallacy of " Also most of those hospitalized (from or with covid) were also fully or partially 'vaccinated'" because that doesn't account for the percentage of each population. When unvaccinated die out of proportion of their makeup of the population that IS a pandemic of the unvaccinated.


tevinodevost t1_ixtl6rr wrote

The balance of the post-2021 deaths in western countries were people unvaccinated or undervaccinated (the last part is key, as one can be not so up-to-date with boosters).

EDIT: The counterposts below are using misleading arguments, not understanding that when unvaccinated die out of proportion of their makeup, that is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.