the_catshark t1_ix0o7xh wrote
Reply to comment by Reeetman1 in Chicago Alderman who said he wants fewer cops in his ward is now asking people to PLEASE stop shooting each other for 48 hours by CookieMasochist
I mean, its really both. The issues mentioned are why people may end up in a cycle of crime and violence. But gun violence increases the easier guns are to acquire. If guns are not plentiful and accessible, gun violence goes down.
Successful violent crime also goes down, not to mention gun mistakes like unintentional discharges and suicide go down when guns are not accessible.
the_catshark t1_iuevzbz wrote
Reply to comment by Anythingaddict in Russia suspends its participation in UN-brokered grain export deal with Ukraine by cobicoo
If Russia gets to do whatever it wants because it threatens to start WW3 then WW3 will start because every nuclear powered country will just ignore the world stage for its own immediate desires.
the_catshark t1_iuev6da wrote
Reply to comment by PanchoZansa in Comparison of Nuclear Explosions by MiamiDevSecOps
The larger issue is if the rocket fails, and that bomb goes elsewhere. Also rockets to space are *really* expensive.
the_catshark t1_iz2nctw wrote
Reply to comment by jayfeather31 in Homelessness charity staff start strike, after low pay risks homelessness by db_2_k
Thars okay though, its been really good for the shareholders these past few quarters!