
thedvlandgod t1_jaahmh1 wrote

My elderly neighbors have a ramp for the winter. Easy to shovel, and made with large enough gaps for the snow melt to run out of. Cheap-ish enough to build. And easy to shovel.

If he says no, just build it heavy enough that it’s impossible to move with one person.


thedvlandgod OP t1_j8p39ec wrote

What I find so interesting about this: 1 in 5 Vermonters were born BEFORE the USSR launched Sputnik. A satellite the size of a beach ball, only capable of transmitting radio signals based on temperature fluctuations as it moved through low orbit.

Today I take a photo with my phone, whose charger has more power than the Apollo 11 computer, and send that photo to the 15.3 thousand people who have seen this post via a satellite internet connection. It’s incredible.

It’s incredible in its human achievement. It’s incredible in its horror. In its audacity and bravado and absurdity. The world is changing at an incredible, incredible rate, and we’re both lucky and damned to be part of its incredulous change.