
RoyalAntelope9948 t1_jdspcyx wrote

There are good things and bad things. If your town doesn't vote via Australian ballot the next day and something important is being voted on at town meeting, a minority of the town can make a really big decision. Most towns are now just using town meeting as a place to discuss issues etc. now. Then again you have the crazies or the people who just want to complain. They can take up tons of time and unless you have a really good moderator, they can get out of hand. In my opinion, I think its a value tradition but holding the vote the next day gives everyone a chance to make their voice heard. It's also a great time to meet your neighbors! In this day and age that isn't always the way things are anymore.


RoyalAntelope9948 t1_j91m4ja wrote

Apparently I'm going to be down voted too but I agree with everything in your post. It made me feel so powerless. I have watched what this country has become for probably as long as you have. I'm sorry for the generations that are watching our country burn under the non-humanity that seems to be prevalent now. I'm afraid for what we have become and where we seem to be going.


RoyalAntelope9948 t1_j83nizw wrote

I will never vote for any republican again. I absolutely hate that my choice has been taken away. In the past in Vermont, I voted for people, good people, that were republicans. I didn't vote a straight democratic line because I didn't have to. This is what the orange monster and his party have done to this country. The republicans are taking ALL our choices away as well as our rights.