thejazzophone t1_j5i7ffp wrote
Reply to I like The Wire but it's seriously flawed by Bushgjl
Bruh if you think the characters are shallow id like to invite you down to Baltimore. Police are corrupt and asshole like they're shown. Drug Dealers are not cartoonishly evil ppl. The whole point of this show is that things are broken fundamentally. From the police, to the government, to media, and beyond. If you can't handle a show that shows how complex humans can be then you may not be ready for The Wire.
thejazzophone t1_jdztwyj wrote
Reply to comment by T1mac in Hungary ratifies Finland's Nato bid by gfghfhgfhfcvb
Also Finland's military is no joke. They've been prepping for a Russian invasion for decades. Invading them would be 4x harder than ukraine