thejynxed t1_j014ejk wrote
Reply to comment by octaviusromulus in Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried refuses to testify before Senate, committee says. by AdamCannon
They nabbed him before he could flee to Israel after being issued a Congressional subpoena.
thejynxed t1_iubhe41 wrote
Reply to Companies’ ‘deforestation-free’ supply chain pledges have barely impacted forest clearance in the Amazon by thebelsnickle1991
Of course it means nothing because those forest acres are being cleared for four commodities (beef cattle, corn, soybeans, sugarcane) and not finished products. Any harvestable trees are first logged and sold worldwide, mostly to pulp paper plants in the US and Canada.
thejynxed t1_iub5u23 wrote
Reply to comment by UncleMeathands in Where can I get a good bagel sandwich in this town? by u-turnsonthehighway
I agree. I like the bagel fresh, warmed, but not toasted.
thejynxed t1_iu7cdnp wrote
Reply to comment by Kindly_Boysenberry_7 in RVA Real Estate AMA - "What The H*ll Is Happening?" Edition by Kindly_Boysenberry_7
Fed already announced more rate hikes are incoming, how many is what the question is.
thejynxed t1_j86k6xf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Scientists Made a Mind-Bending Discovery About How AI Actually Works | "The concept is easier to understand if you imagine it as a Matryoshka-esque computer-inside-a-computer scenario." by Tao_Dragon
It started off as a lad culture mag, so the usual nonsense of fashion, drinks, women, shenanigans, etc.