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t1_iu9y5c5 wrote

Your best bagel sandwich is possible if you get a Chewy's bagel and bring it to Nate's and have Nate's make the sandwich.


t1_iu9zgqy wrote

Holy fucking shit the debate summed up in one sentence. Sacrilegious they don't have sausage, but the bagels are SO much better than Nate's bread circles. Preach


t1_iuajmyb wrote

I like Nate's so Chewy's must be to die for. What's the wait like at Chewys? Nate's takes foreeeever some mornings, so I started getting a bagel sliced and making the rest at home.


t1_iuap5wm wrote

It's getting more and more hellish, as I think its popularity is still peaking, but it has never taken me more than 10 mins and I always go on Saturday mornings at varying times between like 9a-12p.

Went earlier today at noon to surpass the rush and it took 5 mins! They're quick to serve, and the line is deceptive b/c their indoor space is so small that the line is always out the door.


t1_iuaskto wrote

10 min is nothing. Nate's has taken up to an hour in recent history on buys days. 15 min would be fast for them.


t1_iucaozm wrote

That actually blows my mind. I was so insanely unimpressed w their bagels every single time. I seriously can’t tell if they’re just reshaping bread in the back or not.


t1_iu9ztcf wrote



t1_iuahwbo wrote

Literally the only answer. They make bagels fresh every morning. Also the use exclusively jersey made meats from Thumanns. It's as close to new York you are gunna get. Also screw Boars head


t1_iuaydb7 wrote

I’m honestly not a huge fan. They’re okay, but I fucking loveeeee everything seasoning and their everything is severely lacking in the seasoning part of an everything bagel. I liked Nate’s a lot more.


t1_iubiwfv wrote

I love their chicken cutlet egg and cheese on a bagel. The cutlet tastes like it’s made in some little Italian grandmothers kitchen on a pan that is 60+ years old and perfectly seasoned.


t1_iu9qrrb wrote

Europa does bagel sandwiches and considering how much of their store inventory comes from NYC sources, I bet they can set you up right.


t1_iu9jlgo wrote

Have you tried Nate’s? Some people swear to God.


OP t1_iu9jtrs wrote

I’ve had nate’s so many times


t1_iu9kimi wrote

The last really good bagel sandwich I’ve had was at Cupertino’s NY Bagel and Deli on Main St. when I worked down there (2014). I see they moved that location out to the West End near Innsbrook, though.


t1_iu9ucq3 wrote

Bodo’s is the correct answer, though you’ll have to travel to Charlottesville.

Had Chewy’s for the first time this morning. Best bagel sandwich I’ve had in town.


t1_iua2x1e wrote

Lived in Cville for 4 years and I really don’t understand the hype, Bodo’s bagels are so painfully mid even Nate’s is better


t1_iua8wwj wrote

Can someone please explain the refusal to toast the bagel? Not trying to start anything but that was the weirdest thing to me. Like yes it’s fresh but bagels are better with a slight crunch?


t1_iuaz3cu wrote

If you've ever been to bodos on the weekend you'd understand. Literally was out there today, line was out the door and past the end of the building into the bushes, yet I was in and out in 20 minutes flat. The bagels are so fresh that they're warm without toasting, and adding a toasting station would destroy the methodology of the business.

Bodos is a lot like chickfila, the food is better than average but what makes it elite is the speed and the service.


t1_iuavpjr wrote

I’ve never been to Bodo’s and I’m not a local, but I never toast bagels. A fresh bagel has the perfect texture already if it’s made properly


t1_iuaqn7s wrote

nates doesn't taste nearly as good as Bodo's and nate's prices are not worth the bagel you get.


t1_iuasgt5 wrote

100% accurate that bodo’s prices beat nates any day, but idk bodo’s has never tasted that good to me it’s only been worth it because of the cheap price


t1_iub00zl wrote

Bodos ain't perfect, but a 7/10 bagel with 10/10 speed 10/10 service and 10/10 price is deserving of hype


t1_iub9x8b wrote

7/10 bagel is super generous haha but I’m definitely in the minority considering how popular it is in cville


t1_iuakzqv wrote

Gtfo with that untoasted circular bread. It reminds me more of the Midwest than New York.


t1_iu9p80p wrote

My wife is from NYC and swears off any bagel not from the city. We went to Cupertino’ NY Bagels and Deli (in Henrico) and she took a bite of mine and immediately change her tune. We then asked about sourcing and learned they get their bagels from the city. Then I heard the same old, “it’s the city’s water that makes it taste so good” nonsense. Good bagel. Good lox.


t1_iu9ws4a wrote

The food theorists on YouTube did a story on New York pizza and one of their tests was to make their own pizza with water from different locations and it apparently made quite the difference.

They tested the water and the main difference was the amount of fluoride, which will kill the yeast in the dough (different rates for different waters) and that’s enough to make a difference in the final product


t1_iu9ycim wrote

Look at that… Science prevails? I will tell my wife she may be correct but further testing is still required. Specifically need to continue to try the lox.


t1_iua7m06 wrote

I've heard that, but I don't believe that's correct. It also doesn't match my experience as a pizza freak that makes his own pizza dough. The big and obvious difference is technique, no one outside NYC metro knows how to make pizza dough I swear (exaggeration but...)

It also doesn't explain all the well known good places outside of new york.

The big issue here is no one spends time on the dough. It's a 4 day process for me, which used to be normal in NYC. No one making dough, with SUGAR, the same day they use it will turn out. a decent pizza dough ever.

I was talking with one of the partners at Mary Angelas once, the Italian guy, and asked him. He basically said Richmonders are savages who don't know what good pizza tastes like, and took the heart out of it for him, so why bother with all the effort?

tl;dr, it's not the water, it's the consumers demanding competence


t1_iua9xc1 wrote

They made 4 pizzas in the same day with the same techniques and the same ingredients except for the water. It’s science, and the water (fluoride amount) legitimately makes a difference. Not specifically in taste, but in how the dough cooks and rises.

Also people everywhere say NYC pizza is better than any NYC style pizza made anywhere else, it’s not just people in Richmond, so shitting on people who live here about this specific thing seems out of place.


t1_iuaeudo wrote

? And acting like NYC is the only place a good piece of pizza can be made is the dumbest thing ever. Go to napoli


t1_iuafnqi wrote

I didn’t say “good” I said the water makes the difference in the crust. FFs


t1_iudrgy0 wrote

no it really isn't. This has been discussed ad infinitum in the pizza world and proved wrong over and over again.

The best Pizza state is often though to be Connecticut. Seriously. New Jersey also has great pizza. Neither of them use NYC water.

The yeast thing actually makes no sense if you make pizza. Check out how a retarded rise works. They probably just ignored that. You WANT slow and low yeast activity.


t1_iuaywlz wrote

>Richmonders are savages who don't know what good pizza tastes like, and took the heart out of it for him,

He is not wrong.


t1_iuds1pm wrote

He is totally right. And I am going to annoy everyone who has never eaten pizza north of new jersey by saying it.

I was given a free Papa Johns pizza the other day. Oh my god was it bad in every way. It made me cry to think of how many people think of that as pizza


t1_iuacv3q wrote

Is that why Mary Angela's pizza isn't very good?


t1_iudrmz0 wrote

yeah. They literally told me they found no one gave a shit, so they gave up. It's all about the toppings when it comes to sales.

For a while I could make a special request and get a good pizza


t1_iubssle wrote

No. The water theory is stupid. Go to JoJo's. Or Even Christian's can be pretty decent.


t1_iubxyrj wrote

The previous poster said one of the partners for Mary Angela's said richmonders don't know good pizza so there is no reason to bother. My comment had nothing to do with the water.


t1_iuc0q9f wrote

Yeah I misinterpreted that comment thread. Sorry. I stand by my opinion that it's not the water...but I see now that's not what you were talking about.


t1_iucyi1t wrote

JoJo's is the full NYC experience ha, great pizza, great atmosphere.

That said 360 pizza in Mechanicsville is up there for the best pizza. Just need to have them cook it well done.

Dante's in colonial heights it's pretty amazing though.


t1_iu9yode wrote

I haven't had their sandwiches but addicted to their bagels. The super cinnamon bagel, lightly toasted, with honey walnut was one of the best breakfast foods I've ever put in my mouth. Jalapeno cheddar and asiago bagels also awesome. Husband says the everything was excellent too.


t1_iua61nw wrote

I like the bagel sandwichs at Stir crazy in Northside. The bagel isn't as good as chewys but they do a good job with the variety of bagel sandwichs they have and much better coffee if that is something you like to pair with it. Plus the people there are great.


t1_iu9qqds wrote

CHEWYS IS SUPERIOR (garden veggie add Turkey on asiago)


t1_iub5ifd wrote

My family and I did a side by side comparison for three of the most popular bagel places in town: Chewy’s, Nate’s, and Cupertino’s. All everything bagels, all toasted, all tried first plain, then with cream cheese.

Results were 100% unanimous: Chewy’s bagels were the absolute best, followed by Nate’s, then Cupertino’s. But that said, they were ALL good, and until then, Cupertino’s had been our favorite.

I haven’t tried anything besides a toasted bagel with cream cheese at Chewy’s and Nate’s, but I have had a sandwich at Cupertino’s. I am a big fan of their chicken salad on an everything bagel in particular. I strongly recommend this place!


t1_iua9x75 wrote

Cupertinos is solid as a native Philadelphian


t1_iuabf66 wrote

Cupertinos is the best bagel in the Richmond area. I can’t really speak to their sandwiches, but the quality of that bagel is suuuuuuper good.

Ate bodos for three years of grad school and it’s fine. Don’t understand any of the actual hype around it though. It’s cheap calories, and that’s why I went there.


t1_iu9kkql wrote

Chewy's is a good bagel closest thing to a NYC in town if that's what you're looking for.


t1_iu9qpv4 wrote

Chewy’s is most certainly not an NYC bagel. I had a breakfast sandwich from there a few days ago and it was delicious, but the bagel itself is soft and pillowy…nowhere near NYC style.


t1_iu9nera wrote

They don't have a big line for nothing! Excellent breakfast sammies.


t1_iua5yjt wrote

Nate’s is much closer to NY style than Chewy’s. Chewy’s bagels are sourdough, which makes them interesting/unique/delicious, but very different flavor and texture compared to an NY bagel.


t1_iu9pndx wrote

Nate’s is the answer IF they get your order right. People who say Nate’s doesn’t have good bagels are just mad their order was wrong (which is an appropriate action, tbf).


t1_iuac7e1 wrote

I don't mind their bagels, the gaping asshole that runs the register most of the time is my biggest issue with them.


t1_iucrfr5 wrote

Finally someone said the quiet part out loud. That dude totally ruins a simple experience. I just want a bagel, no need to be a total dickhead about it.


t1_iud5csh wrote

He made my gf cry one day when she went to pick up our food. Final straw for me. I've also seen a couple similar stories in this sub.


t1_iue5pvh wrote

Can we finally walk in there or are they acting like it's still March 2020 and doing the pickup only thing?


t1_iuesry3 wrote

It's completely open now, has been for a while. I only order online so I've never had this nightmare experience apparently. Orders are just grab and go when you walk in.


t1_iuase7v wrote

Late to the show, but I may be surprised if you get a better breakfast bagel sandwich than one from

Cafe Zata

I never would have found it if my gf didn't live right by it in Manchester. Odd hours, older couple own it and the husband is in and out of medical treatment so they often change hours.

Sausage+egg+horse radish cheddar on a jalapeno bagel... And for 5ish $ it's kind of GOATed


t1_iuabzjk wrote

I’ve only been here a few months but my girlfriend and I are really good at eating I think. Also I would have to say breakfast sandwiches are my favorite food group.

We live in Manchester and have gone to Cafe Zata three or so times and gotten various combinations of breakfast sandwich and they’ve all been amazing


t1_iubkvrd wrote

Cupertino's in the far West End


t1_iua3dwb wrote

I know I stan for it — hard — but have you tried Wawa? Either the ones by the register, or, their made-to-order? It’s a solid option depending on how you want your sandwich.


t1_iualieq wrote

Look man, normally I just ignore you, ya know live and let live and all that.

And I myself am a fan of wawa; as a blue collar worker I really do start most of my days with a bacon egg and cheese croissant and one of their dogshit burritos.

But you need to acknowledge that their food isn't good. And that's okay, it's not why people go there. But it's not good food. It's just available.

A better life is possible for you.

*Edit: and also their bagels fucking suck. They're specifically the worst sizzli option. Croissant gang or bust.


t1_iubaues wrote

You and me could probably grab a meal together and be happy. I also like Wawa bagel sandwiches, but my favorite is McDonald’s (if they don’t burn the bagel which is a big if). Ducking for cover now 😊


t1_iudme3d wrote

This city is full of food snobs who don’t mind paying a premium for mediocre food.


t1_iubeewd wrote

Surrounding Counties in Henrico, off of Three Chopt road.


t1_iu9pe17 wrote

This city has a major lack of good breakfast bagels and sandwiches. I will throw down with the next person who gives me a chewys or nates bagel bro I swear to God. I hate being the NY stereotype but I was born and raised there and you can sneeze and get a better bagel there than the best thing RVA has got to offer. I'm sorry to those who can't handle the truth.


t1_iu9pxn1 wrote

Being a bagel snob, so hot right now.


t1_iu9qfhs wrote

It's fine. I am comfortable in my knowledge that the people downvoting me have never had a good breakfast sandwich.


t1_iu9qy5f wrote

I have, I’m just comfortable in my understanding that different areas have different foods and it is foolish to expect all areas to have the special foods that you like. Ny has better bagels, California has better tacos, big deal.


t1_iu9sc22 wrote

Is it so wrong for a nice jewish boy to complain about his cultural heritage? Am I not allowed to say this lmao


t1_iucz90u wrote

Pop's used to have real bagels but they went out of business. Some places still make good sandwiches but yeah, I haven't found a comparable bagel recently.


t1_iuahda2 wrote

I liked the one from Roastology. Am definitely not a bagel expert so make what you will of my input.


t1_iuanfzd wrote

Roastology’s would be better if they didn’t panini press them tbh


t1_iub6ma1 wrote

Sadly, you can't. Sorry if that's an unpopular take.


t1_iubgbqn wrote

I used to go to Shields Market and get bagel sandwiches and they were great. It’s been many years tho, so could be different now.


t1_iubuh62 wrote

I think Lamplighter still gets their bagels from Cupertino’s. The Slayer slays.


t1_iud64st wrote

Nate’s bagels are like concrete now man smh


t1_iudanir wrote

Reasonable people can disagree on which bagel place makes the best bagel, but I can't imagine thinking anywhere in town makes a better bagel sandwich than Cupertino's.


t1_iubw3hm wrote

Nahh.. bodos bagel in Charlottesville is the BEST! They have a bagel door knob to prove it!


t1_iud36p8 wrote

Drive an hour and 15 minutes to Charlottesville and got to Bodos! Hahaha No for real though, both chewys and Nate’s are good bagels!


t1_iub4w6a wrote

While Chewy's does have good bagels, their managerial practices should be made a point of consideration. Without delving into too much detail: allegedly chewy's does a poor job of accommodating their employees and use fear tactics to try and dissuade any action taken against them through things like the labor board or EEOC.

You're better off at Nathan's IMO, plus they've got way better options for bagel types


t1_iua1pit wrote

Y'know, some people have these sandwiches, but they don't come from shops. They make them themselves.


t1_iu9joxq wrote

Tryst in Adams Morgan is pretty good!
