
timtucker_com t1_j25r63i wrote

For much the same reason, we put in a momentary contact switch on the wall.

It's close enough that you can reach it while standing at the sink, but far enough that there's little to no chance of bumping it on accident and it would be awkward to reach the switch with one hand while your other hand is in the sink.

To make it easier to distinguish, it's also a different color than the rest of the switches in the kitchen (grey instead of white).


timtucker_com t1_ivgpk28 wrote

Having just went through the process of doing a few custom wrist rests like this over the last few days, it's not worth sealing up until you're sure that you've gotten the ergonomics right.

Far better to work quickly & test it out for a few days first to see if the angle / height / depth are off at all.

My kids wound up with new wrist rests on their keyboards after I realized from an initial attempt that I really needed at least 4" of depth.