
toastyghostie t1_j29qk72 wrote

Most likely they won't go to jail, unfortunately. From what I understand, it's very difficult to prosecute rape without a statement from the victim, even if there's evidence that there was sexual contact when the victim was a minor. It sounds like they're trying to do as much as they can within the current legal restrictions.


toastyghostie OP t1_j256pph wrote

Yes and no. I guess to put it in perspective, you can get Berliner or Krapfen, which are basically the local versions of donuts, for between 1.00 to 3.00 apiece depending on where you get them from.

However, the Dunks donuts in Switzerland obviously have a bit more effort put into decorating them than what you usually see in Boston and the flavors are pretty different. Dunkin's in Switzerland is priced more like Blackbird or Union Square donuts are in Boston.


toastyghostie t1_ixhky4b wrote

I work downtown and don't have a car, and while I sometimes wish I did for weekends, I prefer not having one. Getting to work is pretty easy on the Green Line, and I don't have to worry about parking.

At least for the building I work in, most offices only get 1-2 parking spaces in the building's garage and those get saved for the CEO/COO's. Everybody else usually parks at the other garages, which tend to cost somewhere around $28-$45 a day.


toastyghostie t1_iuf30ca wrote

My fiance and I are looking to get some engagement photos done, mostly so he gets more comfortable smiling on camera. I'd like to work with a student since we're not so concerned about the outcome. Does MassArt or any other art school in the area have a job board or something similar?


toastyghostie t1_ituh5u7 wrote

Check in at r/salemma, I imagine there has been lots of posts there about this before.

From my own experience, I know a lot of folks who take vacations/breaks for a few days after Halloween just to recoup from the October madness.