total_alk t1_je17sae wrote
Reply to comment by ShaemusOdonnelly in Cooling your house warms the planet, but warming your house doesn't cool the planet by andreasdagen
The first law of thermodynamics says that the best you can do is break even. The second law of thermodynamics says that you always lose.
total_alk t1_jdrq6xe wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Eli5 what does the expression “daisies won’t tell” mean? by Entire-Pin264
Kudos to your comprehensive answer. First thing I thought of was your third "hypothesus". But I've never heard the expression before either.
total_alk t1_j69dynj wrote
Reply to comment by HeWhoFistsGoats in AP deletes widely mocked tweet about ‘the’ French by SlitherinPlays
I don't understand how English works--and I'm a native speaker. It's perfectly proper English to say "The French", "The English", or "The Dutch" when referring to the people of those countries. But it is not proper English to say "The American", "The German", "The Canadian" when referring to people of those countries. Am I missing something? Is it a simple matter of the words ending in an "h" vs. "n"?
The grammar is confusing.
Edit: to be clear, my comment is about grammar, not whether it is appropriate to use those terms to refer to people groups.
total_alk t1_j64j384 wrote
Reply to comment by a4mula in Sending a signal faster than light is time travel? by KingOfTNT10
1 bit is information. 1 bit, by definition, has two states. For example, the presence or absence of a photon can convey the answer to yes/no questions.
total_alk t1_j12k1wz wrote
my precious
total_alk t1_j07oasl wrote
Reply to comment by my_solution_is_me in Europe’s biggest port Rotterdam ‘drowning in cocaine’ by Zhukov-74
Cocaine makes your dick go limp? Genuinely asking.
total_alk t1_je3tltj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Cooling your house warms the planet, but warming your house doesn't cool the planet by andreasdagen
If it's cold you get, you must acquit.