
turkeygobblegobblr t1_j9fp21r wrote

Really great analysis.

I watched this movie last night and had trouble articulating why I loved it. I spent the whole time waiting for a cathartic scene where emotions would explode out, and the more I think about it the more I realize that the lack of such a scene is what makes everything happening under the surface carry so much devastating weight.


turkeygobblegobblr t1_j5ucae3 wrote

John Hyams does a great job of this. Alone and Sick are both very standard premises - slasher movie and serial killer movie respectively. But the way he frames action and movement really plunge you into the tension and brutality of what’s happening on screen.

The same can also be said for Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning, which sneaks an absolutely unflinching and brutal horror movie into an action movie shell.


turkeygobblegobblr t1_iydij60 wrote

Dude you have missed literally hundreds. You’ve seen a lot of great ones but also you’ve mainly just seen the ones post-2000 that have crossed over to western markets. There is so much more.