
uncultured_swine2099 t1_j29zcqu wrote

Maybe a musician who isnt legendarily well known, who didnt have a stratospheric rise from the start. Somebody like Greg Gonzales from Cigarettes After Sex, who recorded his debut in like 2010 or something and put it on bandcamp, and barely anyone even listened to it. Then a fan put it on youtube years later, and it suddenly went viral. Gonzales was playing in cover bands in dive bars for barely any money at the time, and when a flood of people started buying his record and the views on youtube were racking up, he said he started crying, he thought no one cared. Now at age 40 hes touring the world and while his band arent pop megastars, they are doing quite well for themselves. A lot of the music biopics are about big acts with skyrocket trajectories, so maybe Id like to see a story about a quieter triumph.


uncultured_swine2099 t1_iycry7m wrote

My favorite behind the scenes trivia for this: Gosling and McAdams apparently hated each other on set, got into some squabbles and would storm off the set sometimes. But they had obvious sexual chemistry, like really obvious; their hips are practically twitching for each other in some scenes. Months after the shooting was over and they were promoting the movie, apparently they just acknowledged they had the hots for each other and became an item for a while. Its like when two kids have crushes for each other and pretend they hate each other cuz they cant admit it.