
valley_G t1_jd2yjt8 wrote

I've never ever had issues getting health insurance through the state. This state does incredibly well with caring for our people. If you're on disability you can get state insurance probably at no cost. You're also eligible for food stamps and everything else. I can totally help you with resources if you need anything. Just shoot me a message. You can also apply through one of the hospitals or clinics. They have staff available to help.

Edit to add that you don't need to be on SSDI to get masshealth. You can get it for having no/ low income as well. You can also get cash benefits until you're approved for disability through welfare.


valley_G t1_j2ix11r wrote

If your child holds dual citizenship then you can absolutely stay in the UK with your child. They can't take a child from you for that. I read you have notarized papers, but unless it's done through a court they mean jack shit.


valley_G t1_j1qu607 wrote

Do not go to Fall River or New Bedford. Everyone keeps saying there's beaches and so they stuff, but it's really not that nice here at all. It's a drug den with little pockets where you might not get robbed. Been here my whole life (technically Dartmouth) and have seen it all. The police genuinely do jack shit unless somebody dies or it looks good in the newspaper. This is not some hidden paradise.