
t1_jacer0n wrote

It's a city of 700k, chances are a crime is happening somewhere at any given time. This sub is like Nextdoor, and a lot of people will post OMG CRIME HAPPENED SOMEWHERE. Don't trust it.

I have lived in DC for more than 12 years, in neighborhoods considered safe and unsafe, and walked everywhere. I lived on streets with shoes hanging from wires. I've never been mugged, shot, or attacked.

DC had a serious crime problem from the 80s to about 2000. Crack was endemic, Rayful Edmond was the biggest dealer on the East Coast. Lafayette Park was a big dealer hangout. DC meant Dodge City. It dropped after 2000 and been steadily dropping, it's ticked back up some post covid but statistically it isnt that bad.

To a lot of people things FEEL worse, not unjustly, but imo it's overblown. I saw someone call Eastern Market metro stop an open air drug market, so I'm just ¯_(ツ)_/¯.


t1_j5onf3g wrote

>Residential, single dwelling unit 1 per principal dwelling.

>Residential, flat 1 per 2 dwelling units.

>Residential, multiple dwelling unit 1 per 3 dwelling units in excess of 4 units, except: 1 per 2 dwelling units for any R or RF zone; 1 per 6 units of publicly assisted housing, reserved for the elderly and/or handicapped.


t1_j5o6rlx wrote

In most R zones rowhouse setback (space from sidewalk to front door) is too small, floor area ratio (ratio of built house:property size) is too high, don't have the required offstreet parking space, minimum lot size is too small (single rowhouse lots are under the required property lot sizes in many cases), or just you can't built undetatched housing that shares an outside wall because the only allowed building is a detatched single family home.


t1_j4n0xbs wrote

Because there are only so many people who will pay a particular price point.

They will build in low income areas and charge high rents if people will pay it. It happens in most cities, and it's what 90% of anti gentrification stuff is about.

Why would you wait to charge 1.9? Why not charge that before the apartments go up? In fact why not charge 2.5 or 3? Who is your competition? The only reason you would keep your price at 1.9 is because people can choose your drafty victorian or a new apartment.

Now what if another couple apartment buildings went up and to entice renters the first building lowered their rent to 1.7? Would you drop to 1.6?

The only difference between affordable and luxury housing is supply. Should the rise in egg prices mean we stop breeding egg laying hens? Do we have a shortage of eggs or are eggs now luxury eggs?


t1_j25ohhp wrote

Man I liked RBG but she tossed out everything she did when she let her ego come before good sense and refused to retire in 2013. No one is irreplaceable, and now a 6-3 conservative SC for the next 10-20 years is what we get for one woman's pride.