
visualgeomatics OP t1_jc5lzem wrote

Source: GEBCO DEM, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery

Tools: Blender, QGIS, Global Mapper, Photoshop

Description: I combined sentinel-2 imagery with surface model data to cast light on it and create a pretty image that looks 3d. The map has lots of vertical exaggeration to bring out the topography, and I've coloured in the water, otherwise the image is a natural colour representation! Check out other examples on my instagram


visualgeomatics OP t1_jb5nt78 wrote

Source: GEBCO DEM, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery

Tools: Blender, QGIS, Global Mapper, Photoshop

Description: I combined sentinel-2 imagery with surface model data to cast light on it and create a pretty image that looks 3d. The map has lots of vertical exaggeration to bring out the topography, and I've coloured in the water, otherwise the image is a natural colour representation! Check out other examples on my instagram