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First-Radish727 t1_ir8w839 wrote

r/mapporn would quite enjoy seeing this excellent map, too.


visualgeomatics OP t1_ir8sumx wrote

Source: SRTM Elevation Data, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery tiles

Tools: Blender, QGIS, Global Mapper, Photoshop

Description: I combined sentinel-2 imagery with surface model data to cast light on it and create a pretty image that looks 3d. Check out other examples on my instagram


Hali_Art1994 t1_ir90lzm wrote

Hey, beautiful map. Do you make tutorial videos on map making?


Lower_Restaurant9201 t1_iu3wzqh wrote


I contact you on your website, can you respond me by mail (, your work interest me !


thwurx10 t1_ir96jmm wrote

ARMA 3 Player: Ahhh I found Altis and Stratis!


goodstuffcomming t1_ira1m1f wrote

Could you please make Philippines? It would be amazing to see topography of this island nation, which has multiple interesting features such as volcanoes and big rifts.


thisis887 t1_irb8q26 wrote

How much would a 3D print of something like this cost?


Hargelbargel t1_ir9u26u wrote

I thought it was South Korea at first. I thought it was Geoje


switch495 t1_ira900i wrote

Looks like an advertisement for visual geomatics.


TheCatInTheHatThings t1_irab09r wrote

Shows why Sithonia is arguably the best of the three fingers of Halkidiki. Mountainy, and everyone can travel there.

Such an awesome place to be :)


Plane_Crab_8623 t1_ir93l5p wrote

Too bad about the fn watermark


TDoMarmalade t1_ir9dju0 wrote

Yeah, it’s almost as if they made it and don’t want it stolen without credit


Plane_Crab_8623 t1_ircl5f8 wrote

Yep because in your world information and sharing is not of value but ownership, vanity and profit is all that counts.


TDoMarmalade t1_ircwgwk wrote

Yep, because in your worldview, exploitation of the work of others is acceptable and acknowledgement of the effort that goes into procuring and presenting information has no value


Plane_Crab_8623 t1_irdtlc5 wrote

Information is only of any real value if it is shared. Putting paygates on information puts limits on is usefulness and value. Some cannot see the forest for the trees. Using ones life force to leverage nothing but compensation is a misguided absurdity and produces the squalor and inequality of the current economic system.