w311sh1t t1_j268yyp wrote
Reply to comment by ArsBrevis in Why aren’t enough people taking about Willow right now? by [deleted]
Went on OPs profile cause people were suggesting it might be a PR plant. They’re probably not, but they are active in r/shrooms, so you might be on to something lol.
w311sh1t t1_ivpc1vk wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in US woman detained by Saudi officials after saying she has been trapped there since 2019 by hugglenugget
I mean what’s gonna happen if we do that, the Saudis aren’t just gonna go “right away mister, we’re terribly sorry.” They’ll likely either say fuck off, or they’ll request some insane exchange, like asking us to release a known terrorist.
w311sh1t t1_j26982s wrote
Reply to comment by RatRob in Why aren’t enough people taking about Willow right now? by [deleted]
I mean It’s also been because there’s been a ton of negative backlash on these subs. No matter how bad a piece of media is, there’s always gonna be at least one person who likes it. And when you see everyone shitting on something you enjoyed, you wanna try to defend it, so I think it’s more just a reaction to there being a lot of negative backlash.