
wagsman t1_je6ngzz wrote

He didnt say that. He said "fuck 'im" I would assume that in this scenario, if you can afford to own multiple properties you should be able to pay the taxes on those properties with whatever revenue streams you had to buy the properties in the first place.

It's not an unreasonable position. If you can't afford the taxes, you shouldnt own the property, sell some till you get back in the black, or increase your revenue somewhere to cover the cost.

Or be like most businessmen and lobby the (local)government to lower your tax rate so you are good.


wagsman t1_je69ihs wrote

I find it hard to believe that postcards made them change their minds a full 180 degrees. They surely had their reservations(whatever those may have been) to begin with, and the postcards were what ultimately tipped the scales in the state senate.

Hell, the state house refused to vote on it, so even if the Senate had passed it, ratification wasn't going to happen.


wagsman t1_jawklyl wrote

> Asked about her racist language toward the owner, she described herself as “emotionally unstable.” She’s dealing with multiple breast cancer diagnoses, Bellew said, and she’s a caregiver to her ill father. She described her behavior as an angry outburst as a result of “being overwhelmed with everything else in [her] life.”

Plenty of people go through cancer, and deal with caring for elderly relatives and don’t go on racist tirades. Those things don’t suddenly turn you into a racist. You are already that way, but do a good job of hiding it.

If she’s honest about showing remorse she needs to expose herself to new people and new points of view to change those deeply ingrained beliefs. But we know she will inevitably end up on some conservative talk piece where she can continue to play the victim and stoke the same old prejudices.


wagsman t1_j9l7van wrote

With it being $1,000, that's nothing to a state-wide politician. He probably didn't even know they gave it to him - especially if it was over more than one year and through a PAC.


That being said, he's still not telling the truth, which shouldn't come as a shock to anyone.