
wanderer1999 t1_j8qae5x wrote

It is nice to see someone who can see eye to eye. And thanks for the kind words, I have much more to learn myself.


I actually got this from brilliant people like Sam Harris, Alfred Mele, Brian Greene...

Again, this is not to say that we should live with abandonment because we still have some control in our small lives. But to me this philosophy is more relaxing, like flowing in water as you say.


wanderer1999 t1_j8pkh5b wrote

Well not quite like that but i see what you mean.

We are a product of billions of years of interactions in universe. But nobody really can pinpoint exactly how something that far in the past influence our exact behaviour. It is likely the astrologers are right in that general sense, but still is completely wrong in their exact assertions.


wanderer1999 t1_j8o5yi7 wrote

Then again, some say free will is an illusion. I used to think we all have complete agency, but in reality, we are sort of guided by an invisible force.



Are all the decisions you have made really yours? Or was was it influenced/guided by the world anyway?

I don't mean to use this as an excuse to absolve responsibility, because we all have to bear it. What I mean is that if you can't "make it", you shouldn't beat yourself up over it. It's one less burden off of your mind. It's also a reason to be kind to other who fail through no fault of their own, because in a different universe that could be you too.


wanderer1999 t1_iyfe15w wrote

That is the key point. Energy density is the name of the game. The reality is that battery tech at the time is still far behind what a can of gasoline can get you. Battery tech is still behind gas in energy density these days.

I sure hope that will change with more research and develpment tho. We can't rely on oil forever.