
wasdlmb t1_je3v9yg wrote

This is very, very wrong. The drone weighs 200 kg and travels at about 50m/s. Let's say in a dive it could reach 100m/s (it can't but let's pretend it does). That would be 1MJ of kenetic energy total. C4 has about 1.5MJ of energy per kg. There's about 30-50 kg of explosives total. The kenetic energy is absolutely dwarfed by the explosive energy. And every kg of engine you have is a kg of explosive you don't have.


wasdlmb t1_ja6q5cm wrote

I fail to see the relevance.

Also, this is a pet peeve of mine. Chemical irritants are banned in war because, before they were, people would make incredibly powerful irritants that would put people in the hospital for days (sulfur mustard). Tear gas is painful and nothing else, and would honestly probably be fine in war if it weren't for the risk of escalation. We've actually seen it recently in Ukraine being dropped from drones, first by Russia and now by Ukraine, and nobody's raising too much of a fuss about it.

In terms of crowd control, it has its uses. Just like every other tool the police have, it's not about the fact that they use it, it's the fact that they use it when they shouldn't. I say this as somebody who has been gassed while protesting.


wasdlmb t1_ja32shi wrote

You know what's also against the rules of war? Massacring POWs, which Santa Anna did twice at the Alamo and Goliad. Santa Anna was fighting a dirty war and it's on him that he posted no guards when going down for siesta.


wasdlmb t1_j9iix03 wrote

We did. Those are our names now, motherfuckers. Why go to smelly Paris France when you can go to the cultural center of the world, Paris Texas!

(for those of you not in Texas, there is absolutely nothing in Paris TX. We also never refer to it as just "Paris" because even in our state it's completely irrelevant)


wasdlmb t1_j22v10x wrote

Thank you. Weather is wild.

The chart makes it look like the energy need mirrors relative humidity, but multiplying relative humidity by a constant wouldn't require high performance computing. Nor even just a defined two input map applied to every point. What was it that took the cluster so much time to compute? Did you have to model the local relative humidity yourself, or is there some more complex relation that I'm not seeing?