weathercat4 t1_jdr2f4w wrote
Reply to My camera setup on the International Space station. More details in comments. by astro_pettit
Taking an observing hood to the next level. The way you word it implies to me you cobbled it together yourself and I like to picture the other astronauts watching wondering what kind of shenanigans you are getting into.
When you look at this photo with zero context it is just such a bizarre scene. The other side of the cloth is even funnier to imagine.
weathercat4 t1_jdbin9o wrote
Reply to comment by EarthSolar in What animals are often associated with space and astrology? by Dom-tasticdude85
Bigfoot do astrology too. From my thorough research of animal planet programming I can also tell you they definetly like fireworks and graveyards as well.
weathercat4 t1_ja3nly8 wrote
Reply to If what we observe from other galaxies is light that’s millions of years old, is it possible there are other life forms in those galaxies and we just can’t “see” the evidence of their existence? by Pineapple_Incident17
I don't think you are truly appreciateing the extreme depth and scale of the universe.
There are hundreds of billions to trillions of galaxies in the observable universe to distances of billions of lightyears.
Consider this, civilizations on the other side of the milkyway wouldn't be able to see us yet. Out of potentially trillions of galaxies, just as you said they could see our galaxy but would have to wait millions to billions of years before they could see our civilization.
weathercat4 t1_j9domhm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in space is crazy by AggravatingBase1896
I think Conformal Cyclic Cosmology is a fun idea.
weathercat4 t1_j9dmjun wrote
Reply to space is crazy by AggravatingBase1896
For real space is crazy.
You are stardust. The stuff your body is made from was forged in the hearts of stars and in cataclysmic collisions and explosions that rang the very fabric of spacetime billions of years ago.
And somehow, you, this aggregation of star dust, looks out at the very cosmos we were born from and asks "why?".
weathercat4 t1_j97jajq wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Copy5217 in Most solar telescopes tend to be below five inches in aperture, as solar scopes above four to six inches or so have to resort to costly measures to eliminate the effects of bad seeing by Ok_Copy5217
With imaging I get how you can beat seeing in photography with lucky imaging.
How would a using filter change the effects of seeing?
Isn't the only reason seeing effects bigger scopes is because you have the resolution to magnify enough to see the bad seeing?
weathercat4 t1_j97gdlh wrote
Reply to Most solar telescopes tend to be below five inches in aperture, as solar scopes above four to six inches or so have to resort to costly measures to eliminate the effects of bad seeing by Ok_Copy5217
What costly measures are used to eliminate the effects of bad seeing?
weathercat4 t1_j8fhg07 wrote
Reply to comment by Andyman0110 in I saw something in the sky last night. help with ID? by Andyman0110
That's called scintillation, it's cause by turbulence in the atmosphere refracting the light around. It's mostly noticable on bright objects near the horizon because you are looking through more atmosphere.
The apparent zipping around you described is another interesting illusion.
weathercat4 t1_j8fgi3e wrote
Jupiter or Venus most likely. They move the same speed as the sun, it's the earth spinning 15°/hour.
Download an app like stellarium and check.
weathercat4 t1_j78abpz wrote
weathercat4 t1_j6u7esd wrote
Reply to comment by entered_bubble_50 in Investigations reveal more evidence that Mimas is a stealth ocean world by entered_bubble_50
Titan is hydrocarbon oceans.
weathercat4 t1_j6ifqtw wrote
Reply to comment by hawkz40 in Spotted strange cluster of objects traveling across the sky this evening by hawkz40
I was thinking about it more, do you have any RC plane or drone clubs near by?
weathercat4 t1_j6fgbmh wrote
Reply to comment by hawkz40 in Spotted strange cluster of objects traveling across the sky this evening by hawkz40
Same reason you can likely see the bottoms of clouds at night, light pollution. Birds in light pollution against the sky look like faint glowing orbs and they seem to move really fast because they are quiet so your brain assumes what your looking at must be far away when it is actually very close.
weathercat4 t1_j6dxa7f wrote
I have many times seen lights flying fast and silent in a V formation. Everytime it has been geese flying, they don't honk much at night.
There are an insane amount of satellites now as well. Sometimes random ones just happen to appear flying in formation but it's just an illusion, with starlink trains as an obvious exception.
weathercat4 OP t1_ix6li4h wrote
Reply to comment by weedeater726 in Andromeda in my backyard! by weathercat4
I put together a video inspired by this picture you might like.
weathercat4 OP t1_ix6ldkt wrote
Reply to comment by darrellbear in Andromeda in my backyard! by weathercat4
Nothing that a handful of wrenches taped to the tube can't balance haha
weathercat4 OP t1_ix6i28g wrote
Reply to comment by darrellbear in Andromeda in my backyard! by weathercat4
It's quite spectacular being able to see all three at once with a 31mm Nagler in a 10" dob!
I made a timelapse where there are lots of different DSOs visible including m31 and m33. I thought you might like it.
weathercat4 OP t1_ix62zam wrote
Reply to comment by qualitygoatshit in Andromeda in my backyard! by weathercat4
You do not need a dark location but it makes it significantly easier.
weathercat4 OP t1_ix4t5so wrote
Reply to comment by No_Zombie2021 in Andromeda in my backyard! by weathercat4
Oh man they are cool! Check out this one I caught in September.
weathercat4 OP t1_ix4qfhp wrote
Reply to comment by No_Zombie2021 in Andromeda in my backyard! by weathercat4
Oh I forgot to say bortle 4 to bortle 2 is a huge difference. I would recommend using an app like astropheric to find a good night for astronomy and just drive out and look, no need for any equipment but if you have binoculars I would bring them.
weathercat4 OP t1_ix4ooe3 wrote
Reply to comment by No_Zombie2021 in Andromeda in my backyard! by weathercat4
Bortle 4 is not bad you can see a lot of stuff naked eye in bortle 4. Someone from a city seeing a bortle 4 sky the first time would probably be surprised.
I started in bortle 7 and still had lots of fun with my telescope.
weathercat4 OP t1_ix4lq9j wrote
Reply to comment by No_Zombie2021 in Andromeda in my backyard! by weathercat4
My backyard still has lots of light pollution, we should go find someone else's backyard.
weathercat4 OP t1_ix4d2ih wrote
Reply to comment by TheGreenRaccoon07 in Andromeda in my backyard! by weathercat4
I can see it quite easily in my 10" dob including being able to make out the dust lanes on a good night.
I've looked at in bortle 7 with small binoculars, it's still quite easy to spot but isn't as impressive as you're only able to see the bright core. Still your seeing an object 2.5 million light years away!
weathercat4 OP t1_ix4bofg wrote
Reply to comment by usernamechecksout458 in Andromeda in my backyard! by weathercat4
This was bortle 4/5.
weathercat4 t1_jdr76vm wrote
Reply to comment by exceptional_biped in I took over 8000 one second exposures with my 10" Dobsonian telescope to get this shot of the Needle Galaxy by J3RRYLIKESCHEESE
Galaxies are hard in bad light pollution. I used to live in bortle 7 and when I was galaxy hunting it was more about being able to locate and detect the smudge. Andromeda was only a faint smudge and m110 was only detectable on good night's.
Try the sombrero galaxy m104 it was by far my favorite in bortle 7.