
whitehusky t1_jaaw1qi wrote

But what he’s doing here is (1) calling their bluff, and (2) playing “good cop” which is what France’s role almost always is with Russia and China. He’s basically telling China - “You want to end the war? Great. So do we. Go tell Russia to stop attacking Ukraine, and the war will be over and you will have helped the West.” Everyone knows China can’t do that, so… calling the bluff. It’s a smart strategy, and closer to what Ukraine itself is doing, because it’s a win/win. Either China doesn’t stop Russia, in which case China is called out for their hypocrisy on the world stage, or somehow they achieve the impossible and get Russia to pull out of Ukraine, pay reparations etc.


whitehusky t1_ja5kmjo wrote

Yeah the purpose of iCloud Photo Library is to allow you to have a large library all accessible from all your devices. If you have iCloud Photo Library on, and the setting to NOT store originals, you’ll achieve your original goal though. It will store only thumbnails on your iPhone, with originals in the cloud. I will LOOK like all your photos and videos are on your device, but they aren’t. It will intelligently use space to keep original copies of ones it thinks you’ll want to look at (like favorites). It will also free up space as needed as well. So you may see a large amount of space used by Photos, but as you need more space, it will intelligently free that space up on its own. In other words, turn on iCloud Photo Library, set it to not store originals on device, and it will free up space as you need more for other stuff. Then if you go to use a photo/video that’s in the cloud, you’ll see a low res version for a few seconds, until it downloads the full version from the cloud (and a little circular download status indicator).


whitehusky t1_iqx0t3e wrote

Interesting from a canine perspective - dachshunds (and I'm sure other dogs) are often prescribed gabapentin, among other drugs, to help with back problems, and help alleviate the pain from them. Out dachshund bad back surgery in 2016, and used gabapentin on and off for a few years prior to needing surgery, and iirc also immediately after surgery during recovery. (Thankfully hasn’t needed it since though!) He tolerated the underwater treadmill during recovery, and it helped significantly. Makes me wonder if vets who deal with these kinds of issues have suspected the connection all along with gabapentin+spinal damage+treadmill work=improved outcomes.