winstonsmith8236 t1_iubnsn3 wrote
Reply to When do you think it's going to snow? by [deleted]
Will be my 2nd winter here. Pretty excited to see when it actually begins this year considering I know it ends just in time for my birthday…in May.
winstonsmith8236 t1_iqtxr6t wrote
Reply to How do you pronounce 'Scallop'? by bleahdeebleah
Scawlup sounds like it’d be the Viking word for cod piece. I saw scal -like Al Bundt-lup but I’m scolded every time by my familial Mainers.
winstonsmith8236 t1_japn8dc wrote
Reply to Please brush the snow off your car before getting on the road by wearingabear11
Dude. While driving back from Logan the SUV in front of me launched a 2’ x 2’ solid sheet of ice about 15’ in the air, luckily giving me time to brake and slow down a bit so it landed and cracked/shattered in front of me. All of this at about 90 mph. Thought to myself…so that’s why they tell you to wipe the snow off your roof….