
xtossitallawayx t1_jchs3gi wrote

Their tax exemption status is a great example of people hearing something, not checking any details, and then repeating what they think like they are CPAs.

>Are they still tax exempt?

You could have spent 0.001 seconds on Google and gotten your answer.

>If so, that exemption should end immediately

Since you don't even know if it is still in place, it is good to know you have an informed opinion on it.


xtossitallawayx t1_j9w7wqx wrote

I would love to hear more about Monopoly is "fun" when played by the rules. It is very easy to be almost out of the game after 1-2 bad rolls, but you still have to sit there for a half-hour while you slowly bleed out, having no way effective way to overcome the hole you are in. When you finally are broke, everyone else keeps playing while you cry in the corner.

Meanwhile, the "winner" (such as they are) has been in the lead for an hour and just needs to land on a few specific squares to actually win but because they don't, they just have to circle the board until someone else goes broke.


xtossitallawayx t1_j9r7qnx wrote

Buying all the grow gear, tending to the plants, waiting 3-4 months, spending hours and hours trimming, and waiting a bit more to dry... versus going to the store, getting a 1/4, and being on way.