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wwarnout t1_jch6ul1 wrote

Are they still tax exempt? If so, that exemption should end immediately


TeamWonderful7670 t1_jckcrgw wrote

The NFL organization technically made no profit until it changed how it was organized in 2015. Until 2015, individual teams made the profit and were taxed that way.


xtossitallawayx t1_jchs3gi wrote

Their tax exemption status is a great example of people hearing something, not checking any details, and then repeating what they think like they are CPAs.

>Are they still tax exempt?

You could have spent 0.001 seconds on Google and gotten your answer.

>If so, that exemption should end immediately

Since you don't even know if it is still in place, it is good to know you have an informed opinion on it.


TAL1X t1_jcicvk3 wrote

Protip: when presenting information to an audience, try to avoid acting like an arrogant dickhead. This will help the reader better resonate with your point. I hope that helps!


For_Never_Dreams t1_jcjy170 wrote

Excuse me. Being condescended to by strangers on the internet is my favorite kink.


Admirable_Remove6824 t1_jclazdw wrote

Dude just get leather, ropes and chains like the rest of us. Your kink is way out there.