zmchiban t1_jacwu95 wrote
Reply to Street cleaning today? by primmmslimmm
For a city with a billion-dollar budget, the fact that we need to rely on facebook posts by councilmen to learn about critical city services is pathetic.
zmchiban t1_ja1bd7k wrote
Reply to Recruiter recommendations by Sonatarhia
One of the best tech recruiters in NYC:
zmchiban t1_j4eqvrv wrote
I blame fulop
zmchiban OP t1_izgefwq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Have you seen: Blue Toyota CH-R w/ White Roof in the Heights? by zmchiban
There is a 36-year-old man fighting for his life as a result of this hit and run. Please do the right thing and report it: 201-915-1345
zmchiban OP t1_izfosvp wrote
Reply to comment by Low-Performance1665 in Have you seen: Blue Toyota CH-R w/ White Roof in the Heights? by zmchiban
zmchiban t1_iwxcvfq wrote
Reply to comment by fltlsyko in Plain clothes officers at Newport path checking fare jumping by Puzzleheaded-Wonder9
The city has budget adjustment for waste, too. It’s called tax increases.
zmchiban t1_iv1ovc1 wrote
Reply to comment by trevor_plantaginous in Does anyone live at the Lenox, 207 Van Vorst St? by [deleted]
True in NY but is Nj law the same? I haven’t seen any cases or statutory support.
zmchiban t1_itr85vd wrote
Reply to What’s going on here? 🤔 by jechsal
cuffing season
zmchiban t1_itafl76 wrote
Reply to Injured duck found by Salt-Touch-21
If you can’t save it make Peking Duck?
zmchiban t1_irl6m88 wrote
Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in More good news for JSQ! by Historical_Times_29
Ah yes, “all of this is widely known” — a reliable proxy for real data!
zmchiban t1_irh9qzl wrote
Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in More good news for JSQ! by Historical_Times_29
Every claim you’ve made so far is wrong. First you said charter schools perform worse. Wrong.
Now you’re saying this charter school won’t accept special needs kids. A two-minute search of Kindle Education’s website shows you’re wrong again:
“My child has an IEP. Will this school be a good fit for them?
Kindle Education is committed to serving all students, including those with special needs and learning differences. Our emphasis on personalized learning and low adult to student ratio may make us a good fit for students who experience challenges in a traditional classroom setting. If you have more specific questions about the services we provide or about your child’s specific needs, we recommend that you reach out to us using the contact information below so that we can answer your questions.”
zmchiban t1_irh5l48 wrote
Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in More good news for JSQ! by Historical_Times_29
Okay so we agree they perform better. But you still think they shouldn’t exist? Got it.
zmchiban t1_irh4iq0 wrote
Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in More good news for JSQ! by Historical_Times_29
Let’s talk statistics — a Stanford study in 2015 concluded that urban charter school students perform better than their public school peers.
There are plenty of arguments that the funding could be put to better use. But the argument that charter schools are by definition worse than our failing public schools is just wrong.
“Our findings show urban charter schools in the aggregate provide significantly higher levels of annual growth in both math and reading compared to their TPS peers. Specifically, students enrolled in urban charter schools experience 0.055 standard deviations (s.d.’s) greater growth in math and 0.039 s.d.’s greater growth in reading per year than their matched peers in TPS. These results translate to urban charter students receiving the equivalent of roughly 40 days of additional learning per year in math and 28 additional days of learning per year in reading.”
zmchiban t1_irgz5wx wrote
Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in More good news for JSQ! by Historical_Times_29
And how many of our public schools would have or should have closed by now if they weren’t kept on life support by an incompetent BOE and city government?
Not saying charter schools are good or bad but the idea that they don’t last as long as failing schools (even if true) isn’t a compelling argument that they’re worse than the alternative.
zmchiban t1_jbcc9vp wrote
Reply to Why almost no homeless ppl in Jersey city when compared to NYC? by ShingekiTitan
Degise drove them all away