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stumpdawg t1_it8dgrz wrote

If the river was made of whiskey and I was a duck...I'd swim to the bottom and never come up!


AngryGiraffe- t1_it9hwrv wrote

Now the river ain't whiskey And I ain't a duck I play jack a diamonds And trust to luck


_Weyland_ t1_it9eofp wrote

If the ocean was all beer

I would've been a nice dolphin

If the ocean was all vodka

I would've been a submarine...


Agarest t1_it8hr7x wrote

What does generative mean?


flockaroo OP t1_it8iyrg wrote

hmm, well, basically it means that its completely programmed ...or made out of math to say.


Agarest t1_it8jqio wrote

What tools did you use to make it?


flockaroo OP t1_it8l9pt wrote

well its a self-programmed opengl application, so just text editor and a compiler.


RelatablePanic t1_it8k8c2 wrote

AI from the sounds of it. Anyone can be an artist these days.


flockaroo OP t1_it8le6s wrote

nope, no ai involved.


J3ff_K1ng t1_it8nfe3 wrote

Can you get deeper in that?

I'm really curious


flockaroo OP t1_it8plfl wrote

hmm ok, why not, let me try... its basically "ray tracing/ray marching/path tracing": first i'm defining the glass and the whiskey surfaces as mathematical functions (actually distance appoximation functions). then for each pixel i step from eye position into the direction of the pixel into scene until i hit a surface. on a surface with a certain probability (fresnel equations) the viewing ray gets reflected/refracted from the surface and walks along. this is repeated until the ray hits a light source. and this is then repeated for all pixels and several times util we have a properly lighted scene...


Soreine t1_it9aucb wrote

What's fascinating is how you modeled the whiskey waves... it even has foam ! What mathematical function looks like waves ? Not the ones I studied at school x)


flockaroo OP t1_ita5lku wrote

the functions are just the ones from school, just many of them summed up and in different scales ;-)

oh, and the foam is actually an illusion. in thin layers (like in the wave crowns) the light gets reflected/refracted multiple times in the same region, which leads to a more random light diffusion in those regions. i was surprised myself by that effect! ...that doesn't mean real waves cannot have foam additionally ;-)


ringobob t1_it8p7x3 wrote

Hmm, an Islay I'd imagine.


flockaroo OP t1_it8s7uq wrote

...hmm or skye? maybe Talisker Storm? ;)


takofire t1_it9sx4q wrote

Sipping on some Laphroaig - 10yr as I read this


thrungoli t1_itcpyzp wrote

I see your Laphroaig and raise you an Ardbeg


SamVimesThe1st t1_it8qaks wrote

Nice pic. Kind of brings to mind the German saying "Ein Sturm im Wasserglas" (A storm in a glass of water), which is used if an event/problem/thing ends up way smaller than predicted/feared.


flockaroo OP t1_it8qtm9 wrote

hah, yes that was actually my working title, but in the end i decided going for whisky ;-)


Free_Golf2319 t1_itajr0g wrote

I usually dislike a lot of the stuff here because it feels cheap(my taste of art is my own) and I actually really enjoy this. The color pallet and the emphasis on the motion inside the cup but still outside is some very powerful imagery for me.


duckyTheFirst t1_it9ixyg wrote

Wtf. Put the ocean back you madlad!


microthrower t1_itazw8n wrote

Viewing this, I saw the noise patterns and thought it looked like a render, and then was wondering how AI generated images would make such perfect reflections underneath the glass.

Being raymarch/raytrace made a lot more sense. What kind of timeframe does a single render of this take? Is this like a one minute or one hour kind of thing?


flockaroo OP t1_itbd4ku wrote

in this size and quality it was about 3 to 5 seconds (on a good GPU though - GTX3070) but the longer you wait the less grain.


willpb t1_itbcng1 wrote

I was about to comment on the beautiful lighting, makes perfect sense seeing the raytracing comment. I'm always amazed at using stuff like programming to create artwork like this. Great job!


esotericenema t1_it8e061 wrote

That better be Jefferson's Ocean Whiskey, specifically.


TheBelovedQuin t1_it99ts2 wrote

I thought it was one of those cool ecosystem jars for a second


neodiogenes t1_it9utjl wrote

Mod here. OP's own statement on what "generative" means:

> ... its basically "ray tracing/ray marching/path tracing": first i'm defining the glass and the whiskey surfaces as mathematical functions (actually distance appoximation functions). then for each pixel i step from eye position into the direction of the pixel into scene until i hit a surface. on a surface with a certain probability (fresnel equations) the viewing ray gets reflected/refracted from the surface and walks along. this is repeated until the ray hits a light source. and this is then repeated for all pixels and several times util we have a properly lighted scene...

The easy way to defuse suspicions in cases like this is to show a post history of similar content, which OP has. So I'm going to assume that

  1. This is not "AI", it's a mathematical render to create a particular image, and
  2. OP wrote or at least contributed to the software, so it's fine.

For those taking notes, this is how you do it. For those claiming to have written their own AI, show proof or GTFO.


NortWind t1_ita3thc wrote

If the ocean were whiskey... Yes, I am that old.


opalesqueness t1_itbzx5h wrote

damn you got some serious skills man 😳