
_Weyland_ t1_jdenzws wrote

I tend to look at it from a different angle.

If you have all that you want, life begins to feel empty. Yes, it feels amazing to finally reach my goal, but once it's done... then what? It's just there and you're just there.

Working towards your goal on the other hand often means improving yourself bit by bit. Doing something you couldn't have done yesterday. It's not only about suffering now for the sake of tomorrow, but also celebrating what you can do by, well, doing it.

I walk up and down the stairs of my apartment building as a form of excercise. 17 floors up and down. When I started I could barely make it up and down once before having to catch my breath. Now I can go 4 times up and down. That's an improvement alright. I was making a 3D model of a sword as a hobby. At some point I decided to remake it from scratch and it took me about a week to recreate a month of previous work. I advanced in that skill even though the model is not yet ready.

Sometimes all you need is to look back and admire the path you've already covered. If you cannot see the finish line it doesn't mean you're still at the start.


_Weyland_ t1_jcu0xr4 wrote

It's probably an efficiency vs effectiveness question. Yes, this thing probably won't give us much, just like those radiation batteries we hear about from time to time. But the output it does provide will probably be very efficient on consumption of resources and also independent of external factors (light, wind, temperature, location, etc.).

If we create and expand this "bottom line" of free or almost free power, it will create incentives to improve power efficiency of electronic devices. A device you don't have to charge at all will look very attractive in the eyes of customers. Especially if electricity prices go up or grid becomes more reliant on external conditions.


_Weyland_ t1_ja6tbn5 wrote

"You think yourself the greatest inventor, yet here you are, just a freak locked in a display cage"

"You've gathered more amazing objects than I ever hoped to see. And now you've placed me among them. Are you sure your side of the cage is safer than mine?"


_Weyland_ t1_j7tousl wrote

Reply to comment by onlooker61 in [Image] Just do it! by Tasty-Window

Not really. Sometimes you have enough data to ask a question or make an assumption, but not enough data to make a conclusion. You can stop at that by concluding that you don't know enough to clear the uncertainty.

Or you can overthink stuff, put potential scenarios in place of unknown facts and generate answers and conclusions that may or may not be true and in turn create space for more questions and assumptions. And while it may feel like you're looking for answers, it doesn't bring you any closer to real answers.


_Weyland_ t1_j64hefd wrote

My grandma's advice on dealing with bullying was always "hit them so hard they'll remember not to mess with you again". Glad I didn't take it seriously.

But if you ever do, catch them alone and catch them off guard. With no people to witness whatever happens they are much more likely to give up.


_Weyland_ t1_j23uqs1 wrote

First, computers don't really care about large numbers. For us doing maths on small numbers is easier while computing big numbers requires keeping some stuff in your head or writing it down, which slows the whole process. For computers it's equally easy as long as the number fits into a specific portion of memory i.e. does not exceed some very large number.

Second, modern software is very advanced. Back in the day we had much weaker computers, so we had to do all sorts of math tricks to get a solution that is both fast and precise. Nowdays the pressure to come up with new cool math is not as high, but known stuff still gets used to make computations faster.


_Weyland_ t1_j1vj3bn wrote

>Who's gonna invest in a permanent solution that curbs hunger when there's a much more profitable way to milk customers?

To be fair, the first one to actually offer affordable permanent solution will steal the whole market. So it's worth it if you have it.