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oxfozyne t1_je6te7b wrote

Probably actually bifl


Pix3lPirat3 t1_je6utos wrote

How so though? I think more context is needed for why they’re better, like I wish there was an actual comparison than “it’s actually better”


Tbabble t1_je70jdf wrote

No such thing with these style of boots


russkhan t1_je7djwh wrote

Not sure if you consider them the same style, but Bean boots are still resoleable for cheap.

Just be careful that you actually get the made in USA "Bean Boots". I made the mistake of getting the similar looking but imported Storm Chaser boots and they cannot be resoled.


knitwasabi t1_je9g0gi wrote

But they don't keep you as warm as Mucks. Bean boots are for throwing on when you're running to the store. Mucks are for work.


oxfozyne t1_je711l0 wrote

There are Hunter wellies


Tbabble t1_je71ez5 wrote

Don't think those can be resoled either?


oxfozyne t1_je72vrz wrote

My sovereign’s can be resoled but then again most wellies aren’t really footwear that lends itself to decades of workwear because one wrong piece of metal will rip the waterproofing.

But me on the farm checking out the sheep and playing with the shelties they’ve lasted decades without needing resoling then again the hardest surface they ever touch is the wood in the barn and porch and the odd stone.