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SuddenMacaroon8355 t1_je63r8t wrote

The boots themselves won’t last you for life, I’ve got a few pairs of clapped out boots from them.

But I will continue buying Muck boots for life, because the quality and comfort is amazing. Light, warm, great grip and obviously waterproof.


pm_me_cool_plants t1_je672d3 wrote

I go through the pair OP bought in a summer. Let it be known tho that I do chemical stripping and powerwashing so they are covered in bleach, acid, and potassium hydroxide consistantly. Great great boots.


qwertyconsciousness t1_je7ya2e wrote

Can't think of a better way to simulate a lifetime of wear in one summer than inundation with caustic and corrosive materials lol


flannelheart t1_je6gcca wrote

I'd like to emphasize the warm aspect. I get cold feet way too easy and the Muck Woody Max were the only thing to keep my feet warm in sub-zero weather. And comfortable!


treesthecharm t1_je69716 wrote

Agreed. A coworker’s pair is currently held together with duct tape after a few seasons. Great until they get to that point though


Sometimes_Stutters t1_je7fadl wrote

My experience as an ice fishing guide is that they last about one season (4-5 months) of daily use


Realistic_Young_3014 t1_je7kh42 wrote

Yeah mine used to last just shy of a field season. Never could find a pair that lasted long


PowerlineTyler t1_je7os1t wrote

Great response, came to say similar: from experience in the workforce.

Good boots, won’t last though


ExpressConfection444 t1_je85fh4 wrote

Same. Comfortable but they don’t seem to last. Lacrosse hold up 2 seasons for me but they’re not quite as comfortable as the Mucks.


DialsMavis t1_je862qq wrote

I’m disappointed by my new (first) pair. I have a large foot and am pretty thin but the boots seem to have been made for a person with a large foot and Sasquatch legs. Other than that they would be great.


swamp_bears t1_je67fb4 wrote

I love them but definitely not BIFL. I wear them almost every single day and can get a year, maybe 2 at most out of them by patching the inevitable cracks using aqua seal. Haven’t found anything more comfortable, waterproof, or easy to don/doff though.


newt_girl t1_je9satz wrote

Xtra Tuffs


swamp_bears t1_jeausv3 wrote

Thanks! I’ll check ‘em out.


newt_girl t1_jeb3s4o wrote

I got downvoted elsewhere for saying they're superior to every other waterproof boot I've ever tried. I have a pair going strong still, after 5 years. They do need a quality insole though; I like cork. Source: am a stream biologist and spent literally 20 years standing in water.


mlarrow1 t1_je6eizh wrote

Can’t agree they are BIFL. I bought direct online and received a full refund when I returned the split boots after 11 months. I found them very comfortable but they split across the top of the toe box. I’m in Europe.


DonKeydek t1_je7ax3a wrote

Yep, these split fairly easily particularly the steel toe version.


mlarrow1 t1_je8ykpw wrote

From the photo, it looks like OP’s boots may be showing fatigue to the top of the toe box already because a lighter patch about where the boot flexes is apparent on both.


originaljimeez t1_je65lf0 wrote

If you like Muck Boots, you'll love DryShod.


Pix3lPirat3 t1_je6gs7o wrote

They look very similarly built, and reason why to suggest them along side Mucks?


echocall2 t1_je7cgc3 wrote

The original owner of Muck sold out, after Muck reduced the quality he started Dry Shod.


chuckfrombolognatown t1_je7eg4h wrote

Thank you! I work in mining and go through 4 pairs a year. Muck boots wear out quick, but I can wear them on 12 hours shifts. My first pair lasted years. If he's the original Muck boot guy and is disappointed with the quality, I'm definitely getting some dry shods. Thanks for the comment.


echocall2 t1_je7ew66 wrote

I have two pair of dry shods. The sizing is kind of weird but they’re very comfortable


oxfozyne t1_je6te7b wrote

Probably actually bifl


Pix3lPirat3 t1_je6utos wrote

How so though? I think more context is needed for why they’re better, like I wish there was an actual comparison than “it’s actually better”


Tbabble t1_je70jdf wrote

No such thing with these style of boots


russkhan t1_je7djwh wrote

Not sure if you consider them the same style, but Bean boots are still resoleable for cheap.

Just be careful that you actually get the made in USA "Bean Boots". I made the mistake of getting the similar looking but imported Storm Chaser boots and they cannot be resoled.


knitwasabi t1_je9g0gi wrote

But they don't keep you as warm as Mucks. Bean boots are for throwing on when you're running to the store. Mucks are for work.


oxfozyne t1_je711l0 wrote

There are Hunter wellies


Tbabble t1_je71ez5 wrote

Don't think those can be resoled either?


oxfozyne t1_je72vrz wrote

My sovereign’s can be resoled but then again most wellies aren’t really footwear that lends itself to decades of workwear because one wrong piece of metal will rip the waterproofing.

But me on the farm checking out the sheep and playing with the shelties they’ve lasted decades without needing resoling then again the hardest surface they ever touch is the wood in the barn and porch and the odd stone.


drummerjay08 t1_je932zk wrote

Scrolled too far to finally see this. Dryshods are amazing. Only rubber boots I’ll buy now.


flyingfish_trash t1_je65919 wrote

I’ve worn a few pairs completely out of tread, each within two years of purchase. Not exactly for life. But, I’ll continue to buy them because they are excellent boots, if a bit pricey.


NorthernPearl t1_je6scyb wrote

Incredible boots. I own this exact pair and have put them through some rough conditions through all four seasons for about 3 years consistently. They had an unfortunate run-in with some unearthed barbwire fencing that snagged the boots and tripped me. I repaired them and my Wetlands are still going strong.

I can imagine if you're using these for gardening or light use, they would definitely be pretty close to BIFL. If not, they are still the most comfortable and functional boots I own. Would not hesitate to purchase a second pair when/if needed.


ExtraordinaryMagic OP t1_je70wkd wrote

I’m in the same boat, not a farmer or a chemical worker but I do like these boots for everyday life!


Ok-Method5635 t1_je6gmer wrote

Yeah mine have fallen apart. 5 years I got but my cheapo rubber dunlops are still going.

The soles detached, rubbers split in multiple places no longer water tight at all..

Comfort and warmth was amazing just disappointed in durability I mean they are, or look like, they are bomb proof but I’ve never had wellies fall apart so much.

The le chamu I wore on the estate were like 3rd hand and several seasons in, the sole had worn thin but was still water proof. Probably my next pair tbh


Parsival007 t1_je64t5o wrote

I got the very comparable “Red Heads” from CABELAS on Black Friday for $30. I’ve had mucks and I can’t tell you a difference.


cobigguy t1_je9ixai wrote

Used to work at Bass Pro. Red Head is the BP store brand that Cabelas now sells because BP bought them out. I've owned RH boots and a jacket and other gear and never been impressed with it.


Parsival007 t1_je9w0zb wrote

Saving $100 for the same product impressed the hell out of me.


retromama77 t1_je6au2k wrote

If anyone finds that they have trouble peeling them off after a wearing, I find that compression socks help them slide right off!


JustYerAverage t1_je6dupj wrote

Hard to recognize them in this picture. Not enough muck!


Pix3lPirat3 t1_je6gypr wrote

I went through 3 pairs of Muck boots in just under 3 months on each pair, all the shorter ones. The only ones that have lasted me years are the originals that were bought in 2016


JFoxxification t1_je6tffz wrote

Really nice and I’ve gotten a few pairs. Not BIFL though. Had a pair last me through 4 months of winter into spring before they came apart and leaked at the arch. Company did send me a new pair though.


Bobtom42 t1_je79sgp wrote

They actually went way down on quality after Danner bought them. I've been wearing Mucks for a decade.


the_kyle_coomes t1_je7g0al wrote

I’ve had a pair for 8 years and still wear them


t3chiman t1_je656kp wrote

Recommended by Quark Expeditions for their Canadian High Arctic expedition cruises. Just the thing for strolling the coast of Axel Heiberg Island.


walkinguphills t1_je67vqz wrote

I've only been able to get about 2 years out of Muck boots before having to replace them. The other half wears his more routinely and can only usually get a year run before we have to get new ones.

I'm definitely not saying I know of anything better on the market, but unfortunately, I haven't had BIFL luck with these.


atomic_mermaid t1_je6lk7p wrote

How long have you had them? I had a pair I wore very occasionally and they lasted me forever. The minute I started wearing them at least twice a day to walk the dog in the rubber sole starting splitting and cracking. I wish they were BIFL!


Coloradoexpress t1_je6mukh wrote

My dad has worn them for years, and they are hardly bifl.

They are good boots, but they aren’t really reparable.

As a side note, I have a pair of reed boots that I’ve been really happy with, but again, this style of boot isn’t bifl.


ExtraordinaryMagic OP t1_je6q0qb wrote

Okay. This post has gained some controversy.

The brand is bifl. When I wear these out I’ll just get another pair. I guess not in the spirit of the sub though, apologies.


Coloradoexpress t1_je6x94c wrote

Wild Turkey is BIFL. When one bottle runs out, I’ll just go buy another.

That’s some solid logic.


ExtraordinaryMagic OP t1_je700sk wrote

Will you keep buying it for life or you switching bourbons?

I'd say if you have that loyalty, it's BIFL.


StrugglingLifeform t1_je7bpyh wrote

We can all agree they’re a great brand but that’s not the purpose of the sub. The purpose of the sub is something that is high quality and made to last.

From the majority of comments it seems that this is a great brand to use but it is not a BIFL product.


Brian-OBlivion t1_je6wgyb wrote

Working on a farm at best they last 2 years for me.


ExtraordinaryMagic OP t1_je706io wrote

Fair enough. I re-read the sub idea. Perhaps we should delete this post? Or maybe keep it here for posterity sake?


penlowe t1_je71bu8 wrote

They don't make wide calf versions. I'm not a huge person, I just have really muscular calves, so they don't fit. I've yet to find any brand rubber boots that fit.....

All the short boot versions don't work for me either, same problem, only tight at the very top of the boot, which on short boots is a horrible spot to get a blister.


Fmtservices t1_je7df05 wrote

I have the arctic pros and honestly they’re too warm and my feet sweat so bad I may have just worn sneakers into the water filled ditches I work in all winter long. Overall not a bad boot though.


CthuluHoops t1_je7guqu wrote

I went through my pair of Mucks pretty quick so I got me some of the Chore boots. They seem to be holding up well but they’re not comfortable if you don’t wear some real thick socks.


runliftgrappleshoot t1_je7npxj wrote

Honestly my field and streams were way cheaper and they’re going on 8 years old now.


Wapiti406 t1_je7qw2q wrote

They're definitely worth the money, but regular use wears them out. The rubber on mine is cracking at flex points and the left one lets water seep in slowly. There really isn't a way to repair them either. I'm 100% buying a new pair in the next few years.


Sophet_Drahas t1_je7rqo1 wrote

Wish I could fit them but I’ve got calves like Christmas hams. Only boots I’ve found that come close are Lacrosse Alphaburly Pro side zip and that’s if I leave them unzipped. Although last pair I had I blew through in about a year before they split along the back heel and shredded my skin along the Achilles on a walk. I did get Lacrosse to replace them and bought some rubber treatment to apply. Hoping this time I get a little more use out of them.


BuckyWunderlick007 t1_je7tiw5 wrote

Yup can confirm. I wear my arctic sports hiking in the winter and fishing in the summer.


Karmas_burning t1_je7ux5b wrote

I've had mine for 5 years of fairly frequent use.


Sea-Jellyfish3889 t1_je7vnsw wrote

Just went through my first winter in Montana in muck boots. I have the arctic sport boots and they are great. My brother has a pair of Dry Shod boots he loves as well.


words1232 t1_je7yl0z wrote

They’re nice while they last, very warm and comfortable but unfortunately like a lot of others comments are saying mine barely made it a year before they started splitting/cracking.. I’m sure I could patch it up with something and get another couple of months out of them but the durability really is a let down.


AkunoKage t1_je7yw53 wrote

My aunt has used three pairs of mucks her entire (70) life. She replaced one of them because barb wire ruined em.


Ready-Scientist7380 t1_je81ge7 wrote

Bought a pair of Muck boots. The uppers were just fine and survived an incident with an axe with minor damage. However, the ridges wore off the bottom. I fell hard on concrete because they had no grip. Bought Bog boots this time around. Haven't worn them enough to judge yet.


SeaBillydeluxe t1_je8cb8m wrote

Had my first pair for 2 or 3 seasons. Bought a new pair last October, they leaked within a month. Muck warrantied them but 3 months later the new pair has a small leak. I do on average 5k steps a day to their credit, but for $160, I think I’ll try something else out next season. Anyone try the xtratuff equivalents?


DFcolt t1_je8kc5r wrote

I've got a pair of Muck Boots - Chore. They are great but as I live in Sydney I only get to wear them maybe once or twice a year if that. Got them in 2015 I'm hoping the last a few more years.


OkSignature3698 t1_je8pa0s wrote

I will personally never get them again. If your feet freeze in them once or you leave them out side in -30 they are never the same.


timetofirstfix t1_je8tekf wrote

Looks good, I’m in the market for something like this. Anything funky about their sizing or can I order same size as my tennis shoes? TIA


princessbubbbles t1_je92y1g wrote

Nope. I used them multiple times a week from about age 12 to 23 and, while they are very good and outlast many other brands, they still only lasted 3yrs tops. Then again, I've been extremely active.


FelangyRegina t1_je99v63 wrote

I e had mine for about 8 years. They are still going strong.


keeisn t1_je9et1b wrote

they're great boots, but won't last you a lifetime. they're also hot as fuck, even in negative conditions


ClownDiaper t1_je9f9bv wrote

I usually get holes in the sides where the boot creases when walking. They usually last several years if I clean them after use. I build water and wastewater treatment plants, so they see both sewage and concrete. I haven’t found anything else that even comes close to the quality and comfort of Muck. The price is getting pretty high though.


chadlumanthehuman t1_je9kf2w wrote

Mine split in one season and they don’t come in half sizes


shoysauce t1_je9qi2o wrote

Got my first pair this winter season, live at 9k’ elevation and the boots are shredded at the heel and around the footbed. Seems like poor quality materials and will need to replace after 4 months but they have been essential in big snow


castlewrangler t1_jea5vwj wrote

They may not be buy it for life but I will be buying them for the rest of my life.


ImBadWithGrils t1_jeah8o3 wrote

I either have to get a size 11 and my feet can slide or a size 10 and I'm cramped, they don't make half sizes it seems?


ScubaSteve_ t1_jeb1glk wrote

Dumb question but are these over-boots like wearing a tennis shoe along with them or just stand alone?


ExtraordinaryMagic OP t1_je70hl4 wrote

A lot of people have commented these aren't very durable or repairable (definitely not to the standards of this sub... ie my redwing iron rangers).

Anyhow, I'll say this: I'll buy another pair after they die, but y'all are probably right, I suspect they're not super durable for hard work. Good for casuals though?


UglyViking t1_je87evx wrote

Always boggles my mind when people come to these posts and say stuff like "these boots won't last a lifetime". I don't think there is a single boot made today that will last a literal lifetime, full stop.

Muck boots are fantastic boots. The biggest downside being that there is very little you can do to repair once they are worn enough. It's full on replacement. That said, they are fantastic boots overall.