BannedStanned t1_iwvv754 wrote
Big ones versus little ones, I guess
WeirdAvocado t1_iwvvb5r wrote
Nothing wrong with bittle bitties.
skilas t1_iwvydmt wrote
I've never seen 60065 used for this before. I thought it was a typo...
stonecoldcoldstone t1_iwvyngt wrote
8168008135 vs 8008135
BannedStanned t1_iwvz3c1 wrote
Exactly. Not all boobs are BooBs. Some boobs get elected to office. Others get elected for sweater duty.
elixir_choice t1_iwvzfld wrote
I have this same one. Still works great!
UnclDav t1_iwvzgw2 wrote
True story: two football players who lived on my dorm floor were waiting for the elevator, on their way to a night math exam. One pulls a new calculator out to show his buddy: "It's solar. Now I don't have to worry about the battery going dead during a test."
His buddy puzzled on it for a minute then said "Yeah? But what if the lights go out?"
intervested t1_iww0tcx wrote
Looks like it just works because of OPs particular calculator. Most would add the bar across the top of the 6 and it wouldn't look like a lower case b.
lake_huron OP t1_iww14dy wrote
They not sixes. They're actual hexadecimal "b"=11 in decimal
lake_huron OP t1_iww19gr wrote
>They not sixes. They're actual hexadecimal "b"=11 in decimal
As I mentioned elsewhere in the thread. Will edit..
jamie30004 t1_iww1jwi wrote
I use a TI-34. Like it so much I bought 3 more off eBay just in case.
bookemdanno t1_iww1jyo wrote
I love how "boobs" is still used in calculators.
JLanTheMan t1_iww29l5 wrote
Aight Einstein, chill.
Lieuwe2019 t1_iww4o17 wrote
I bought one days after starting my first job out of college…….33 years later when I retired, I was still using it daily.
the_clash_is_back t1_iww54wc wrote
Replace the battery, will brighten the screen up.
the_clash_is_back t1_iww5jyd wrote
I keep 3 Casio 991s in my bag at all times, and I have had reason to utilized all 3 before.
snowsurfer2110 t1_iww762p wrote
Rob Schneider as the calculator.
earthceltic t1_iww8oa5 wrote
I can't imagine why anyone would need to program a date variable into this device?
Klotzster t1_iww93u1 wrote
And that's the stupidity of it
BannedStanned t1_iwweux8 wrote
Gotta give them credit for battling inflation, too. A new TI-89 cost $130 in 1999. A new TI-89 costs $130 today, too!
XCypher73 t1_iwwewgx wrote
Love that!
MyGradesWereAverage t1_iwwfzo3 wrote
I have the same one, used for my Computer Sci classes in the early 90’s.
lake_huron OP t1_iwwgupr wrote
If you understand the "video games only worked on channel 3" meme, yes. Yes we are.
kabukistar t1_iwwhffk wrote
Or else you'll be 55378008
XS4Me t1_iwwi2fw wrote
To be frank, if the lights go out, a regular calculator will also be useless, unless it s display is backlit.
XS4Me t1_iwwip0a wrote
Back in the day I used to sport my HP 48GX, but by the love of god I just can’t figure why would anybody cling to older devices having a regular calculator on your phone or having access to wolfram alpha on it.
DryArmPits t1_iwwjrj2 wrote
I'm more of a HP RPN person, but I love old calculators of all kind.
spectre1006 t1_iwwkwtl wrote
_DigitalHunk_ t1_iwwo6q8 wrote
just replace the aged plastic slide over the solar cells .. or better, just remove the old plastic slide
lake_huron OP t1_iwwo938 wrote
Lots of old ones had LED displays, although you wouldn't be able to see the keys.
This was my previous calculator:
_DirkMcGurk_ t1_iwwp601 wrote
It's an old code, but it checks out.
BroaxXx t1_iwwqzdo wrote
Are the BOOBS intentional, then?
Yasashii_Akuma156 t1_iwwr7wq wrote
Cool, I inherited my late father's TI-36, along with all his engineering tools, and it still works.
IllIllIIIllIIlll t1_iwww9p4 wrote
[deleted] t1_iwwzey1 wrote
[deleted] t1_iwx0lcb wrote
TravAndAlex t1_iwx208b wrote
Me too… 30 years now?!?
ptero_kunzei t1_iwx33i2 wrote
kindiana t1_iwx6mw5 wrote
yesca5000 t1_iwx88m0 wrote
Me three
Flashy-Cheek-4530 t1_iwx8eze wrote
Cool cool. 👍🏻
milky_eyes t1_iwxacsl wrote
This is the way
Also... 5318008
milky_eyes t1_iwxaff6 wrote
kindiana t1_iwxeabl wrote
catofthe9worlds t1_iwxh205 wrote
My dad has had these in his class since he started working
Mwahaha_790 t1_iwxjdlc wrote
OG Texas Instruments is undefeated
jimonabike t1_iwxjv92 wrote
This was our porn.....before the internet.
BeerNTacos t1_iwxkf0w wrote
As a calculator nerd, I know the exact model this is.
It's not the original TI-36 SOLAR but the 1989 revision, the second model.
The solar cells on that calculator are smaller than the original version, plus the "ANYLITE SOLAR" language wasn't used until the 1989 revision, and ONLY for that revision. The bottom text said "SCIENTIFIC" for every model before and after, The depending on the year's revision the text was either lower center or lower right.
Aenyn t1_iwxn3dg wrote
Huh because of the shadow at the top I thought there was a bar on top of the "b"s. Didn't notice there wasn't until I read your comment
mazies7766 t1_iwxpfp7 wrote
TheDwiin t1_iwxsca4 wrote
He wrote "b00b5" in hexidecimal
Scottybt50 t1_iwxtzxx wrote
Still got the TI30 my dad bought me in 1978, works great.
Scottybt50 t1_iwxub60 wrote
I like to give my age in hex these days, 37 sounds so much younger.
builderomatic t1_iwxuubb wrote
Me too, it was given to me by my mom
someoneelsewho t1_iwxv7bh wrote
I had the same calculator!
TheAmazingHumanTorus t1_iwxx3ze wrote
Your TI has cataracts I'm afraid.
Source: I'm a calculator doctor. (MD-HP Berkeley '94)
Corndogs_and_chill t1_iwxxbxo wrote
This is the way
Corndogs_and_chill t1_iwxxdzd wrote
Corndogs_and_chill t1_iwxxlqw wrote
Ya you keep saying that and we keep not knowing what that means 😂
F-21 t1_iwxzobw wrote
TI-36X Pro... It's awesome :)
AeroZep t1_iwy1ytj wrote
The cost to make a TI-89 in 1999 was probably $100. The cost to make one now is probably $5-10. Let's not give them too much credit here. It's not like they have made any improvements to their product.
Krulsprietje t1_iwy3szx wrote
Let's just refuse kids these days don't know that. ¯\(ツ)/¯
InPicnicTableWeTrust t1_iwy47mq wrote
The best for any engine is 71077345
Liambp t1_iwy4xhy wrote
I actually think the mid 1980s was when calculators peaked. You could get scientific calculators like the above that were packed with every function you actually needed (note the calculator above had stats, hex and even complex) but none of the bullshit that later became popular like direct arithmetic entry and calculators that give you answers as fractions. The thing is that computers were not ubiquitous yet so real life professionals like engineers and scientists actually used calculators every day and they had to be functional. Nowadays calculators only seem to be used by students.
pollymanic t1_iwy5w88 wrote
Sometimes the calculator is nice because it keeps you from losing hours down a wolfram alpha or Wikipedia hole! Good for focused work
jojoyouknowwink t1_iwy9418 wrote
Do beef next!
MIDICANCER t1_iwy99fq wrote
After-Cell t1_iwy9n3r wrote
Would be nice to replace the battery
real_with_myself t1_iwyi51s wrote
I have to ask, because it was emphasized, why would calculating in hexadecimal be anything different for the calculator.
Odd-Turnip-2019 t1_iwyj14u wrote
So do I, it seems to make more sense like all upper case letters. That looks more like 6s to me than lower case bs with upper case other letters
decaf3milk t1_iwyu9fq wrote
Love my TI-35. Still work’s like a charm 35 years later.
[deleted] t1_iwyvomd wrote
lake_huron OP t1_iwyw0t0 wrote
The "b00b5" displayed is in hexadecimal, so just calling attention to the juvenile joke.
Some commenters are saying 'wow that's a funny-looking 6' when it's not.
lake_huron OP t1_iwywbjj wrote
Yeah, even small features helped.
There is an Engineering setting where all scientific notation was in exponents that were multiples of 3. Perfect in grad school when I wanted stuff only in nano, micro, milli, etc.
I agree. The calc app I use is pretty similar to this TI
lake_huron OP t1_iwywqal wrote
I had this in high school which was before 1989.
lake_huron OP t1_iwywugy wrote
lake_huron OP t1_iwywxxx wrote
2/3 of a banana. Sorry forgot to include banana for scale.
lake_huron OP t1_iwyx0ok wrote
No longer environmentally friendly though
lake_huron OP t1_iwyxw8k wrote
Could even do "dEAdbEEF"
lake_huron OP t1_iwyy0o8 wrote
For some reason I assumed a bunch of Reddit calculator nerds would also know what hexadecimal is. Thanks for giving the explanation.
Liambp t1_iwyywgu wrote
That is such a useful feature. I had a Casio calculator with a button called "Eng" which did something similar. It was incredibly useful for converting an answer to k. M, G etc.
SnowblindAlbino t1_iwz42pe wrote
Calculators in general were pretty damned well made in the 1970s/1980s because they were relatively expensive. Or actually expensive, in the 1970s at least. I "collect" (read pile in the closet) old calculators and about 90% of the ones I find work just fine after decades of sitting around. I prefer the LED models from the 70s (esp the blue ones) but have probably three dozen <1990 calculators and they all work great with fresh batteries. Including the programmable Sharp model I bought originally in 1983.
Not so sure many calcs purchased new today would still be working in 30+ years.
SnowblindAlbino t1_iwz495h wrote
>A new TI-89 cost $130 in 1999. A new TI-89 costs $130 today, too!
Luckily you can thrift them for <$5 pretty commonly. In fact, I have a $2 one sitting on the desk next to me right now. So many high school kids buy them new then leave them sitting around until their parents donate them it's silly. I've probably purchased at least two dozen over the years...for my kids, for their friends, and then quite a few I flipped on Ebay for $50-60.
real_with_myself t1_iwz7glk wrote
Ah, yeah. A bit too old for those jokes.
But I remember, back in Serbia, we had a similar joke that would spell "fuck you"
newuser92 t1_iwz84ak wrote
Cool, except base 10 is 0-9.
RegularSizeLebowski t1_iwz9p3v wrote
Not just space saving, but also convenient to read when dealing with bytes because a byte is exactly two characters.
thedailydaren t1_iwzcg30 wrote
Lmaoooo 💀
Chainsaw42 t1_iwzcw7b wrote
This guy calculates
TenTonneMackerel t1_iwzd83z wrote
Because 99.9% of my calculations at work don't require anything nearly as complex as Wolfram Alpha, and the ergonomics of a calculator are leagues beyond that of a software calculator on a phone or computer.
[deleted] t1_iwzdue9 wrote
DaddyShark427 t1_iwzdy64 wrote
I’m an HP 12C man myself.
DoneisDone45 t1_iwzg509 wrote
calculators can really last practically forever. i still have my ti 89 from high school. i bought it used to because i was poor and wanted to cheap out a little. i should've bought it new. some things can last forever and it's worth it getting it new.
newuser92 t1_iwzv3wx wrote
We all make mistakes, brother.
LazloNibble t1_iwzz78k wrote
I check the bins hoping for an RPN HP every time I hit the thrift stores. No luck yet, and until I finally make that score my daily is still going to be pCalc on my phone, but in the meantime I’ve picked up quite a few nice clean ‘70s and early-‘80s models for a few bucks each.
My two Radio Shack-rebadged Casios from high school (early-Reagan-era) also still work just fine. I think I’ve replaced the batteries on them maybe twice since they were new.
JohnyDangerous t1_ix04fg9 wrote
Is it still accurate?
lake_huron OP t1_ix0oxfa wrote
Yes! Three digits between 0.000 and 1.000
lake_huron OP t1_ix0pd9w wrote
...I suppose?
lake_huron OP t1_ix0ph3g wrote
If you use the CPLX mode you input real and imaginary components.
TheMcWhopper t1_ix0plxs wrote
Damn, the solar cells on that thing are incredible
[deleted] t1_ix0wduu wrote
VulfSki t1_ix11v1q wrote
Which is all you need since you can scale it from there of course.
BeerNTacos t1_ixb0g5h wrote
Okay, I did a little digging around and contacting some old folks who knew people back in TI's earlier days.
The records back then are not great but it seems this model is definitely the second model, but there seems to have been some earlier models of this version made, possibly as early as 1986. Original version came out ~1985 but used the TI-35's solar cells. This version specifically used the ANYLITE SOLAR designation to differentiate between the two models. It wasn't until ~1989 that TI advertised this version. Even then, outside of this naming convention they were using the packed in 1985 materials come out like the original manual.
JLanTheMan t1_iwvslhx wrote
I always used 80085 instead of 60065.