Submitted by Sol_Invictus t3_zh0hkz in BuyItForLife

A hapless husband here looking for Bath towel, Hand towel, Washcloth sets for my wife for Christmas but a little late is fine.

This is one thing she's picky about and, God love her, she deserves it.

  • White only

  • "heavy weight" is the only way I can describe it. Not harsh .... "plush" , "luxurious" Something that dosen't seem thread-bare after a few washings.

  • All Cotton (?) --- They'll be washed often and bleached as needed to remain sparkly white.


We're in the US; Brand and source don't matter. I have no idea what these would cost. We're not rich, but money is typically not an issue.

Help save my marriage, please : ) and Thank you.


Edit 3: Thank you everyone. Today is shopping day!

Edit 2: So many towels, so little time. I'm going through and read every comment tonight and make a list of names and find websites. Then the real work begins.... I'll let ya'll know.

Edit 1: Thank you all who have or will post comments...Please pardon my lack of personal replies at this moment. I actually have to do some work today! I'm making a list of all your suggestions. l appreciate every one of them. And my wife does too even if she doesn't know it yet.]



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mamadachsie t1_izjgo3n wrote

Wanna save your marriage? Don't buy your wife bath towels for Christmas...


princess_kittah t1_izjilmk wrote

i get our fancy towels at linen chest. i usually squish each towel in person to find the plushiest ones and the last time i bought some was almost a decade ago and theyre still soft and fluffy

the brand we got last time is called "Sandra Vanditte(sp?) Milan" (its written in cursive on a very small tag and is hard for me to read tbh) and theyre 60% bamboo rayon and 40% cotton and are my favourite bath towels ever because of their large size which allows me to wrap my long hair up


gooberfaced t1_izjiw5e wrote

I have white only towels from Land's End and they are wonderful.


FckMitch t1_izjjcca wrote

Best ones are the charisma bath sheets from Costco. I have had several guests asked where I got them.


pjdk1 t1_izjqqr7 wrote

I was going to say Frette. I bought some sheets ten years ago when I was feeling rich and they are getting better and better with every wash. Trouble is I now hate all my other sheets


Giggles567 t1_izjrkz7 wrote

I have white Ralph Lauren towels. They’re fantastic quality. I have had RL towels in the past and enjoyed them. I think she will really like them!


kitkatlabs t1_izjrrch wrote

im a female that looooves high quality spa experiences, interested in the responses ..

I have Under the Canopy bath towels rn — got the hemp and cotton mix. They are more absorbent than plain cotton towels. I used to have 100% organic cotton and while they are fluffy they are bulky, heavy, and dont absorb well so ive relegated them to guest towels. i suspect they are harder to truly deep clean in regular wash due to bulk and fluff. under the canopy towels are organic — better for your skin (less toxins being absorbed) and sometimes better for enviro depending on how it was all grown. had for a year so far, so good. there are probably more luxe brands out there but i havent researched. good luck!

does she like robes? could be a good pairing with the home bath experience. SKIN has some organic robes, some part cashemere.

oooh, she ever try magnesium baths? does she like baths / soaking at all? gift her magnesium crystals, those are abbbsolutely relaxing and ups our magnesium (skin absorption). i use health & wisdom magnsium crystals, for last 2 years, must recommend! stronger than epsom salt at whole foods etc.


mamadachsie t1_izjsf93 wrote

As long ad she asked, you're good to go! I know way to many men who've heard their wives comment they'd like to get nicer [insert everyday household item here] and nen take that as a great idea for a gift. It's not always received well! But if she asked for super nice towels then go forth with confidence!!


h4ckerle t1_izjtrwn wrote

You are looking for weseta. Damn, they are expensive, but they were recommended to me years ago. At first, I felt stupid paying €120 for a towel, but damn is it good, and I have in the meantime bought like 5 others, and haven't had any issues with them.
Not sure if they ship to the US though...


SP919212973 t1_izjucs8 wrote

Hudson Park (Bloomingdale's brand) Turkish towels


Sol_Invictus OP t1_izjvcnd wrote

> As long ad she asked, you're good to go!

Thanks mate : )

I understand what you're talking about but we know each other very well and those sorts of mis-directions aren't a problem. There are some things I know absolutely not to buy for her.

But these towels aren't the whole of her Christmas... There'll be a few unknowns.

Sallying forth... with confidence!


ennui_the_people t1_izjwyor wrote

I recommend Brooklinen's Super-Plush Towels. I just got some in the bath sheet size and they're soooo heavy and fluffy. like wearing a blanket!


sryan317 t1_izk0krt wrote

Look cotton quality first. Supima, California Pima, or labeled 100% long staple cotton. If they don't list the cotton type, I would avoid it. Long staple cotton is softer, more absorbent and sheds less over time as it is made up of long fibers. Cheaper cotton is mixed with broken, smaller fiber which pill and shed. Egyptian cotton is long staple but unless it reads 100%, count on it being a marketing ploy as one only needs to contain Egyptian cotton to be labeled as such and a high percentage of small, cheaper fibers. As far as decent brands at good prices, the Supima cotton towels at Land's End and excellent quality for the price. The Company Store, and Authenticity50 are good additional online sources for Supima cotton towels.


Junior_Ad2955 t1_izkglfs wrote

Red Land Cotton towels are our favorite, no need to pay $100 for a bath towels. We got them on sale at $40 as gifts for each other before we moved in to our house. They are super awesome and are like sponges


Chakramer t1_izki6cq wrote

The Charisma towels from Costco are pretty damn good. They don't seem that fluffy in store, but wash them once and twice and they transform into really good towels (says something on the tag about this)


Actuarial_type t1_izktjcn wrote

We are almost done with a very extensive bath remodel in our house. Our current towels are cheap things from Costco that don’t match the new room. I got a big set of matching towels from Brooklinen and I beg to differ, I’m quite sure my wife will be really happy to get some really nice towels for the new room.


Bubble-Grape-7931 t1_izl0n3s wrote

I’m gonna recommend a small business: Red Land Cotton! American grown cotton and made entirely in the south. HIGH quality sheets and towels- you’ll never be disappointed!


FionaTheFierce t1_izl1phn wrote

Costco has some pretty nice towels. You can find high quality towels at pretty much any department store - they usually have a range of qualities. Just don't buy the cheapest ones


Diplogeek t1_izlbyyr wrote

I have (non-white) towels from Jennifer's Hamam, and they're really nice. They're not cheap, but they've held up very well. The business is based out of Turkey, but they'll ship wherever, and they're usually happy to do a virtual showing of what patterns and such are available. They definitely do all-white towels, but you may have options as far as weaving patterns and such. I'd definitely recommend them, if you're okay with spending some money.


perfumesea t1_izldfl3 wrote

I just came here to say I am now asking my hubby for towels for Christmas.


quimper t1_izldk6x wrote

This OP. The most important thing is the quality of the cotton. Long staple is the only thing you want. Where it was woven is also important. What is your budget?


cup_1337 t1_izldz2w wrote

Therapedic towels from Bed Bath and Beyond. We fully replaced our set with these because they’re sooo soft and plush and amazing quality.

Worth every penny


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Sol_Invictus OP t1_izsqx9d wrote

Thanks mate. My wife's pretty petite. We're not sure we could find her. But there's a Pottery Barn near us and next time we're out that way we'll give one a squeeze.


Sol_Invictus OP t1_izstg6c wrote

Thank you so much. My wife was aware of the cotton information you provided. Interestingly, of the brands suggested here (so far in my searching) no one discusses that.

Off to have a look at your three specific recommendations now. Thanks again


Sol_Invictus OP t1_izszr77 wrote

The Marc Leopold site where they're sold is huge! Too much to look at for this project, but bookmarked so I can go back. ....My wife always needs little extras : )

Thank you very much.


Sol_Invictus OP t1_izt0pl0 wrote

Not sure what conclusion you're referring to. I wasn't being dismissive. Mid-tier, if that's what you're questioning, referred to their prices. They aren't the cheapest and aren't the most expensive.


Sol_Invictus OP t1_izt1thc wrote

I won't be using them for this Christmas gift, but I'd bet that I buy my wife something from there in the near future. Thank you very much. She (my wife) loves these sorts of things.


Sol_Invictus OP t1_izt2sql wrote

> Frette towels

Thank you. I've bookmarked them,, but honestly I'm towel-ed out for the morning. I'll be giving these a go later this afternoon. I appreciate your time and suggestion.


Sol_Invictus OP t1_izvugp8 wrote

The SKIN robes are gorgeous! Unfortunately, I've bought her a very nice one a while back and she refuses for me to replace it.

Thanks for all your suggests. My wallet dodged a bullet this time.

ETA: Found out my wife wants the magnesium crystals too... Thank you : )