Submitted by Sol_Invictus t3_zh0hkz in BuyItForLife
A hapless husband here looking for Bath towel, Hand towel, Washcloth sets for my wife for Christmas but a little late is fine.
This is one thing she's picky about and, God love her, she deserves it.
White only
"heavy weight" is the only way I can describe it. Not harsh .... "plush" , "luxurious" Something that dosen't seem thread-bare after a few washings.
All Cotton (?) --- They'll be washed often and bleached as needed to remain sparkly white.
We're in the US; Brand and source don't matter. I have no idea what these would cost. We're not rich, but money is typically not an issue.
Help save my marriage, please : ) and Thank you.
Edit 3: Thank you everyone. Today is shopping day!
Edit 2: So many towels, so little time. I'm going through and read every comment tonight and make a list of names and find websites. Then the real work begins.... I'll let ya'll know.
Edit 1: Thank you all who have or will post comments...Please pardon my lack of personal replies at this moment. I actually have to do some work today! I'm making a list of all your suggestions. l appreciate every one of them. And my wife does too even if she doesn't know it yet.]
mamadachsie t1_izjgo3n wrote
Wanna save your marriage? Don't buy your wife bath towels for Christmas...