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t1_j3qpc1x wrote

I prefer the Kirkland 5 ply copper core pans for my cheap pans.


t1_j3qzm7f wrote

I've been debating about buying those. You recommend them?


t1_j3r3z3t wrote

So I got a set of the copper core all clad as a wedding gift, but it didn’t come with a 4qt pot. This pot alone is 400 but the Kirkland set was 179, and came with a 4qt pot. So now I have a lot of extra pans. The Kirkland ones are nice, and I would say a bifl product. I just primarily prefer my all clad because they just feel better in my hands


t1_j3rdn23 wrote

Sweet. I'm working with hand me down Teflon pans that should've been thrown away 4 years ago. I've been socking money away to buy a set but didn't know which one to go with.

I'll probably get the Kirkland set now to get rid of my Teflon and then I'll go from there.
