Submitted by CaballoDePalo t3_11zqcra in CambridgeMA
noob_tube03 t1_jddoyxw wrote
thats what I was wondering. If theyre not gonna warn anymore I worry about how much cleaning theyll be able to do!
ttech32 t1_jddptj8 wrote
So do they just sweep around the cars that weren't moved?
kiwi-cucumber t1_jddr5fh wrote
This seems like a good thing - especially since every time I walk my dogs on a street cleaning day, I would often see them towing AWD cars not on a flatbed, which can damage the transmission. The punishment of getting your car damaged and dealing with the logistics of getting it back doesn’t fit the crime.
I hope they keep sending Paul Revere to warn us that the street cleaners are coming, because people will want to help do the right thing, but sometimes need a reminder.
anabranched t1_jddrmjl wrote
There are plenty of people in this town who won't get out of bed for $50.
nattarbox t1_jddrmoo wrote
How will I know it’s spring if I’m not woken up by a truck megaphone
JB4-3 t1_jddtg6k wrote
Seems like it doesn’t accomplish the street cleaning goal. If we want clean streets we should enable the street sweepers, not weaken the program to make it cheaper
thatguy10095 t1_jdduxhd wrote
That'd be why it's a 1 year pilot, to see how well people can adjust to the new policy.
AmnesiaInnocent t1_jddxi26 wrote
It's not just cheaper for residents, I assume that it's cheaper for the city, too...
Moomoomoo1 t1_jddxv4c wrote
Disaster for Phil's Towing
Hajile_S t1_jddy942 wrote
To say the least. $125 I believe for the tow? I’d rather pay all of that to Cambridge than to this parasitic towing practice. Let me be clear, that would be an absurd ticket, but at least it would add some value to society.
If those bizarre doomsday speakers stay silent, all the better.
SpyCats t1_jddysf4 wrote
Lots of dirty streets in the future.
JB4-3 t1_jddzteo wrote
Not sure how you figure. Towing is free to the city and they can then clean where the car had been. It’s cheaper because it collects revenue switching to ticketing, but cannot clean where cars are parked
Comfortable-Most808 t1_jde014v wrote
Curious if there is a program that sends out texts the day before street cleaning if you input the street you parked on. Sometimes the day changes based on holidays (one random holiday got my roommate towed) or even a notification if there is going to be construction on the street (I got towed because they put fliers up only 24 hours prior to construction). As a coder, seems like a pretty non trivial thing to implement if the city can update it
AmnesiaInnocent t1_jde052s wrote
I thought that they used to have police accompany the tow trucks. Now they won't need to do that. Even if they have meterm... um... people issue the tickets, that's got to be less expensive than having cops do it...
JB4-3 t1_jde0g1b wrote
Haven’t seen that, good point. I thought they just tip off the tow company who charges the driver $100-200 for the pleasure.
zootgirl t1_jde0pg4 wrote
Somerville has this and it's SUPER helpful.
this_moi t1_jde26ee wrote
There is indeed such a program. It's mentioned on the Street Cleaning website and is available here.
FitzCats t1_jde2h4k wrote
There is, it’s very clearly present on the city street cleaning page:
jdb12 t1_jde522z wrote
Wait they do?? Where? I'm signed up for all the other ones but not this!
commentsOnPizza t1_jde5qyp wrote
So they're saying that a resident permit that doesn't have to worry about street cleaning is only $50/mo!
I think a huge number of people are just going to pay the ticket. There are certainly low-income people who live in Cambridge and people who live with a few roommates, but there's also a lot of people easily affording $3,000+ in rent. $50/mo to not have to deal with street cleaning will likely get a lot of people not moving their cars.
I think that's why the pilot will likely fail or at least need to be adjusted. If the ticket were $200, it would make a lot more people move their car. At $50, it's way cheaper than paying for off-street parking.
Maybe the alternative would be to do street cleaning twice a month like Somerville does. That way you'd get the places a car didn't move the first time on the second go-around. It would also mean $100/mo in fines instead of just $50.
At $50, it just seems like a lot of people would pay it and ignore it. I am glad that Cambridge is moving away from towing because that was always terrible. I just think that a $50 ticket is going to be meaningless to half of Cambridge. Median income in Cambridge is $113,000. Of the population that owns cars, the median income is going to be a lot higher. Towing was always way too harsh a solution to the problem, but $50 probably won't move the needle enough.
Thinking about it some more, maybe the solution is towing a car on the third ticket. We've ticketed your car twice for not moving for street cleaning and you don't care about the $50 so we're going to tow. I think that makes a lot of sense. Towing someone for a mistake is way too harsh. However, letting some rich person pay way less than off-street parking costs to ignore street cleaning seems too lenient and problematic for street cleaning. This way, the city just tickets for infractions that might be honest mistakes, but also deals with habitual violators to make sure that people understand this isn't a $50/mo way to buy yourself out of street cleaning.
mduchesn2004 t1_jde87cp wrote
I believe the DPW said it would cost $100k more for the program. They’re going to have a guy with a leaf blower walk the street and get trash and leaves out from parked cars.
zootgirl t1_jdefooy wrote
Oh, snap. Looks like they removed the text reminders. But, you can receive an email still or download a calendar. Too bad, the texts were super convenient.
ETA: It's weird, Cambridge and Somerville clearly use the same system and Cambridge has text reminders available. Maybe Somerville will turn text reminders back on when street sweeping starts up again?
Alan_Stanwyk t1_jdeji5x wrote
Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_jdemo65 wrote
I see the stupid street cleaning go by and the street looks the same before and after. A small streak is damp, and that's it.
[deleted] t1_jdemt7s wrote
cptninc t1_jdemzri wrote
I'm curious who will be writing the tickets. The lazy guys are supposedly already understaffed and have no additional capacity for writing tickets. The parking department has the staff, but this will pull them away from the squares where they currently operate.
mduchesn2004 t1_jdeoz4e wrote
I would assume the concern is that the garbage attracts rats and the leaves block storm drains and cause flooding. A few cars may be fine but if too many people leave their cars out, then it could cause larger issues.
Trombone_Tone t1_jdepg6y wrote
Somerville manages just fine
CriticalTransit t1_jdexi8u wrote
This is the dumbest idea I’ve heard in a while. “This program will only work of residents (do their part without any meaningful penalty for not doing it). Yeah that’s not how humans operate.
Fleur75 t1_jdexwey wrote
And pay for guys to come around and clean those spots by hand, if necessary, or if you live in the right place
Fleur75 t1_jdey9gh wrote
It’s going to be a mess. Students and anyone who leaves for extended periods of time have zero incentive to move their cars. This is another policy made under the guise of helping low income people but really just benefits more wealthy people who just don’t care about the $50.
SpyCats t1_jdf53tm wrote
Not in Central! The streets really need it monthly.
JB4-3 t1_jdf7ucv wrote
Thoughtful, and researched. Got my vote pizzaman
Humbert_Minileaous t1_jdfeilp wrote
street sweeping odd number side you will be tagged but not towed.
Humbert_Minileaous t1_jdfeyod wrote
it ain't Paul it's Lenny Silva retired DPW worker:
Objective-Ad4009 t1_jdfod93 wrote
I think this is the good idea. Cambridge will save money and make money.
It will also destroy Phil’s and B&B.
AboyNamedBort t1_jdfuqq6 wrote
That shit is ridiculous. More crap non drivers have to deal with because of lazy, selfish drivers
Hyperbowleeeeeeeeeee t1_jdfuqy4 wrote
Meh, I don't see it doing much. In Montreal I saw these cool street vacuum things with a portable hose that can snake around cars. Something like this:
AboyNamedBort t1_jdfv046 wrote
Towing someone for breaking the law isn’t harsh. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time
AboyNamedBort t1_jdfv4so wrote
So the streets will be filthy because spoiled, lazy drivers can’t be inconvenienced. What a dumb idea.
AboyNamedBort t1_jdfv9a1 wrote
That shit is obnoxious. Stop bothering non drivers.
AboyNamedBort t1_jdfvd4g wrote
More welfare for drivers. Just what we need!
AboyNamedBort t1_jdfvj0o wrote
American drivers are famously lazy and shitty at following laws. Only a complete moron thinks this will work.
noob_tube03 t1_jdfwmln wrote
Get bent you live in a city. Do you complain about police sirens disturbing law abiding citizens too?
crispr-dev t1_jdg6s5p wrote
Anything is better than dealing with that scumbag tow company
SSA78 t1_jdgc1gu wrote
So less clean Streets
some1saveusnow t1_jdggdeq wrote
You are 100% right. they won’t be able to street clean very effectively if it’s just going to be $50.
Alan_Stanwyk t1_jdh3jlb wrote
Agreed. Personally I don’t understand not towing these cars. City streets are fucking filthy and it’s annoying when people just leave their cars there.
terminal_prognosis t1_jdhd4js wrote
WTF are you talking about? Most cities do not do this.
AutomaticMidnite t1_jdiajb7 wrote
We love to see it!
Adventurous-Bowl-192 t1_jdkkpm1 wrote
I lived in Somerville for 2 years, and they already had this program. It worked fine and most people move their cars to avoid the ticket
AmnesiaInnocent t1_jddkr4y wrote
That seems like a win for residents, even with the increased towing fine. IIRC, previously you had to pay more than $50 to the towing company to get your car back, and they charged more each day. This is just one $50 ticket.
Are they still going to have the trucks going around warning people that they'll get "tagged and towed"?