Submitted by gratefulveggie t3_10d5sz1 in CambridgeMA

I was walking down Brookline st today and this man was standing outside his front door yelling some religious things about god and repenting; whatever. But then as i got closer to him he started to yell AT me, saying some crazy stuff and then he SPIT on me as I walked by and tried to coarse me into his apartment it seemed ? I don’t know. I’m sure people who live near are well aware of this man because of the constant yelling but made me wanna cry being spit on in broad day light, not sure if anything can be done but as a small, young woman I was scared !!



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magnetmonopole t1_j4jzkik wrote

You should file a police report. This is assault.


Lil_LSAT t1_j4k34z8 wrote

It's actually battery, or more likely assault and battery since he was yelling at OP beforehand and being threatening, but yes, please file a police report


blackdynomitesnewbag t1_j4m5hgo wrote

No battery requires physical contact

Edit: I can’t read


gratefulveggie OP t1_j4lf2bk wrote

Okay thanks. Actually didn’t realize this was considered assault.


blackdynomitesnewbag t1_j4m5e91 wrote

It most certainly is, and is a crime. Assault doesn’t require physical contact or injury, just a credible threat of one. It would’ve been assault and battery if it had hit you.

Edit: I misread. It looks like it did hit you. That’s assault and battery.


CriticalTransit t1_j4mu80q wrote

Maybe a police visit would put a little fear into him, but I suspect they know him and wouldn’t do anything.


magnetmonopole t1_j4nuzln wrote

Doesn’t mean the incident isn’t worth reporting. If this guy is doing this to a lot of people (and based on the comments here, he is), the police may actually do something if they keep getting reports. They will certainly do nothing if no report is filed.


rezistence t1_j4k6jjt wrote

Sorry this happened to you OP. Cambridge is a super safe place but central has some quirky spots. Please consider filing a report!


ftmthrow t1_j4l7ngm wrote

Was this on Brookline between Auburn and Franklin?


samaritanBureaucrat t1_j4lb4tu wrote

Is that the block with the apartment that plays bible verses from a stereo into the street when it’s warmer out?


SpyCats t1_j4llbft wrote

He's really awful. Often the religious crap is blaring so loud you can hear it on the next block.


ftmthrow t1_j4ld8r8 wrote

I moved out of the area last year but that does sound familiar. It’s also the block across from the purple fence, if that’s more memorable than the street names.

@ OP - please report.


guimontag t1_j4l4cfz wrote

So did you call the police about this or not OP


unresolved_m t1_j4l6rgz wrote

I'm sorry

Sounds like an all-out assault


CriticalTransit t1_j4mu2md wrote

Has there ever been a case where spitting on someone convinces them to come inside your house and learn about jesus?


sadphdbro t1_j4nom3x wrote

My roommate was recently yelled at, pushed and spat on by a large man before getting onto the T in central. Was wondering is that fit the description?


gratefulveggie OP t1_j4olb7a wrote

This was a slim black guy, definitely mental issues at play


devious_cruising t1_j4legid wrote

Was it a house with crazy murals all over the fence? Corner of Brookline and Franklin? He is well known.


SpyCats t1_j4llif3 wrote

I think it's across the street. Peter Valentine lived at 37 Brookline (the purple fence house) but he passed away in August.


devious_cruising t1_j4lnt4n wrote

Really? In August? I knew Peter, but not that well.


SpyCats t1_j4lqxgj wrote

Yeah, I think it was pretty sudden. Happened on the last night of an awful 5-day heat wave.


devious_cruising t1_j4lsero wrote

Sad. You know the story about the house? AFAIK, Peter was squatting in that house when it was located on Blanche Street, and when MIT decided to develop the area he won a court settlement in which MIT moved the house to its current location. I don't know if Peter owned the house, or was allowed to live there and MIT maybe owns the land and building.


SpyCats t1_j4ltb9k wrote

I know the story well! Now the big question is what will happen to the house now that he's gone. Apparently he did end up owning the property and family is preparing to sell it. There was a petition going around last month about turning it into an arts center.