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tacitus59 t1_ivoh42s wrote

Well, that is a surprisingly targeted comment. I mean there a lot of other annoying signs out there from a lot of different candidates.


greeneuva t1_ivojbzk wrote

I also never want to see a COX sign. But the bright yellow CHEN signs really stand out.


anidulafungin t1_ivonrck wrote

I get your preferred candidate didn't win, and you're upset by that, but insinuating that Linfeng Chen "bought" his seat without evidence is wrong.


devonzch t1_ivpgq9s wrote

Apparently Chen raises ducks - fun factoid learned heading in to vote


[deleted] OP t1_ivoy4hi wrote



wildpolymath t1_ivp7x6a wrote

All in favor of adding “Pro-Signs” to the subreddit’s description? Cast your vote! /s


greeneuva t1_ivp0tp9 wrote

I knew there’d be at least one. I hate them all. But that’s what I get for Having Opinions on the Internet.


anidulafungin t1_ivp2xlw wrote

No you don't hate signs, you just called out Linfeng Chen only. Then you suggested he won because he "bought" votes... All without evidence.

Sounds a lot like people who claim an election is rigged without evidence...

You then changed your post to backtrack on all of this.

If you just went out and said "I'm upset that Linfeng Chen won" I would respect that a lot more.


tacitus59 t1_ivoxbal wrote

LOL ... your edit obfuscates that you called out Linfeng Chen's signs in particular and not all signs.


anidulafungin t1_ivp1tvr wrote

It was never about the signs or litter. It was always about someone not liking a particular candidate.


ConversationNext2821 t1_ivomrhe wrote

All campaign signs are annoying, not just the ones that you are upset about because they don’t wear the same color political jersey as you.

Elections are just popularity contests now; no different than American Idol. None of these useless windbags that got elected actually care about doing work. They only care about shoving their ideology down the throats of the other half of the country that lost.


Crease53 t1_ivoq1ey wrote

That is a frightfully cynical point of view. Democracy is a contest, of ideas. "Shoving their ideology down the throats..." Who's doing this to you? This isn't the Handmaid's Tale you're entitled to you own opinions.


ConversationNext2821 t1_ivot8am wrote

And as far as shoving issues down people’s throats. Let’s start with abortion on the Republican side and gun rights on the Democrat side. So sorry, but there are many authoritarians all too happy to gavage citizens with their garbage.


ConversationNext2821 t1_ivoqawt wrote

We have a Republic, not a Democracy.


Tacticus1 t1_ivos5qe wrote

This is a silly meme of an argument. Democracy, broadly, is government based upon and responsive to the will of the people. That’s what people are referring to when we talk about preserving democracy. No one is suggesting that we should restructure into a direct democracy.


ConversationNext2821 t1_ivosxd6 wrote

Just like elections, words matter. Use the correct ones.

And actually, those that advocate for getting rid of the filibuster in Congress for their pet issues are doing just that.


Tacticus1 t1_ivoubpj wrote

We are using the correct word, and everyone knew exactly what was meant by it until like 10 years ago when a bunch of dweebs on the internet pushed up their fedoras and said “actually….”

What does “republic” mean, by the way? What is the principle upon which “republic, not a democracy” is founded? Or is it just semantics?


Ehorn36 t1_ivotsw5 wrote

A republic is a form of democracy - a representative democracy.


ConversationNext2821 t1_ivout32 wrote

Right. Republic is what we have not a democracy. The word slip that people use on this issue is annoying at least and is more likely to be nefarious. This country is not founded on the majority determining the rights of the minority: that would be a direct democracy and honestly what one of the two major parties would live to see. The Founding fathers set us up as a Republic to protect the rights of the minority because they knew the result of mob rule and it’s never pretty.


vpi6 t1_ivoxh3a wrote

Looks like somebody didn’t benefit from the education of the Howard County Public School System


vpi6 t1_ivoy925 wrote

Give it a day or two lol. This probably isn’t your first election and you know the signs don’t immediately go down but they do go down.