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Sure_Comparison6978 t1_j8tjiss wrote

Good. We went to the mall on a Friday evening recently and the food court area was out of control. But we need a more balanced approach, not just enforcement There’s clearly a strong need in our community for more after school activities for youth, as this is also a problem I’ve noticed at the KC village center, and I suspect multiple other areas within the community.


BeatNutz57 t1_j8ttb2q wrote

It's about time. The last time I went to the mall, several kids were out by the loading dock area smoking weed in broad daylight. IDK what the laws are now, but I'm pretty sure they haven't suddenly become this lax regarding smoking out in the open. Especially as a teenager.


maavaa t1_j8ucqcc wrote

Recreational Marijuana was legalized in the 2022 election. Although it’s not official until July 2023, they won’t be cracking down on a law that’s soon to be gone in 5 months


Moonagi t1_j8us6ym wrote

They should start giving fine's to the parents of these kids, but no one wants to go there. Absolutely no reason for these kids to be loitering in public


koondogg128 t1_j8uv0xd wrote

I get that kids can seem scary and "out of control", but we all hungout and loitered at the mall when we were kids. I'm sure adults at the time said the same things about us. I'm not sure why this is an issue.


stevencartwright t1_j8uy7fs wrote

> Smoking cannabis in a public place is a civil offense and may be penalized by up to a $250 fine for a first offense. Subsequent offenses can incur fines up to $500. The law also prohibits a driver from smoking cannabis in motor vehicles. This law takes effect July 1, 2023.


CookieMonster932 t1_j8v9bz5 wrote

Agree with fines for parents if the kids assault other people, but disagree on the "loitering." It's a mall people are supposed to loiter. Most kids just want a place to spend time with friends and the mall is a great place for that. It's the kids starting fights and shooting bystanders with toy guns that is the problem.


Tacticus1 t1_j8wdba7 wrote

Cracking down on bad behavior: good.

Prohibiting an entire class of people from hanging out at the mall: bad.


maavaa t1_j8wpikl wrote

I’m gonna go ahead and assume it wasn’t 12 year olds smoking weed like that in public. And If it was then we have a WAY worse problem than just smoking in public places on our hands


Sure_Comparison6978 t1_j8wq5x8 wrote

I’m seeing really young kids openly smoking, it’s almost like they’re daring you to say something. Especially becoming more noticeable in DC, like at the entrances of metro stations. I’m all about legalizing marijuana for adults. But it’s troubling to see really young kids do this, and the brazenness of it is also concerning.


llamaafaaace t1_j8wyt1o wrote

Yeah this is absolutely not ok, but hopefully there can be some sort of middle ground rather than banning teens from malls without parents. We take away all the places they can hang out then complain when they stay inside playing video games all day.


seekingpolaris OP t1_j8x4pqn wrote

Seems like this is a temporary policy. If things get better they will lighten up. If things don't then what else can the mall itself do. Solutions need to come from government as a whole, not a single private entity.


chairmanm30w t1_j8x61td wrote

At what point do we punish a group of people for the actions of a few, because cranky, middle aged men have been ruining this subreddit for months, and I'm ready to have y'all fined for abusing the privileged.


hoodreview t1_j910jyh wrote

Patrols NO , police presence YES. There is a difference.


Right-Basis7815 t1_j9ov9rn wrote

Used to go every weekend in 2003-2005, it was def the place to be. How has it changed since?


imani_TqiynAZU t1_j9p9asi wrote

Loitering is neither imaginary nor a "crime." However, loitering (meaning "standing around in a certain place for a prolonged amount of time with no purpose") is bad for business. People blame Amazon for the death of enclosed malls. However, strip malls are doing fine (just drive around Columbia to see what I mean). So what is killing enclosed malls? One major thing is large amounts of unruly youth who make it inconvenient or uncomfortable for actual paying customers.

Don't get me wrong, I hung out at malls when I was a teen. However, that was literally during a different millennium, back when mass shootings were rare. This is a different day and requires a different approach.