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LloydChristmas666666 t1_je0f5na wrote

Brother of late football star……. No….. brother of serial murderer and coward who offed himself


phutch54 t1_je0gave wrote

DJ was Quarterback of the Uconn football team.2007-2008.Also played wide reciever.


MarthStew444 t1_je0luoc wrote

It's very sad, the guys been through a lot. The message that accompanied the brick sounds like it was relatively well thought out.


Dismal_Ad_9603 t1_je0mypv wrote

Birds of a feather flock together. Stupid is as stupid does (did). Surprised??? Not


flagrant-fowl3 t1_je0oiin wrote

Fun fact: He was fired from his high school head coaching gig for stealing our teams playbook lol


VMI_Account t1_je0srdg wrote

Did this guy feature on a billboard in Hartford visible from the interstate around 2005-2007 ish? I have a memory of driving by a billboard featuring a high school football star but I don't remember who it was exactly.


FanValuable6657 t1_je19wmi wrote

He’s been through a lot. Abuse as a kid, watching his father die, and having to endure the press through his brothers ordeal. I hope he gets the help he needs and comes back from this.


blumpkinmania t1_je1gxke wrote

Putting a brick and a note in a plastic bag and tossing it on the lawn after being denied entrance at the gate isn’t exactly throwing a brick at ESPN HQ. The guy was diagnosed bipolar a while back. He needs mental health care more than he needs a charge. That may be the only way he gets it, IDK.


pregus t1_je261nl wrote

Did he return a brick that fell from Building 1? 😂


MeaninglessLiving13 t1_je2f1on wrote

I’ve been to the ESPN campus a few times and the building where they film and that has all the office suites is like across a giant parking lot and lawn with past a guard station. Even if he had an arm like Josh Allen, he’s not getting within 1000+ feet of the building.


blumpkinmania t1_je2jllq wrote

This is what the google machine spits out -

(a) A person is guilty of breach of the peace in the second degree when, with intent to cause inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof, such person: (1) Engages in fighting or in violent, tumultuous or threatening behavior in a public place; or (2) assaults or strikes another; or (3) threatens to commit any crime against another person or such other person's property; or (4) publicly exhibits, distributes, posts up or advertises any offensive, indecent or abusive matter concerning any person; or (5) in a public place, uses abusive or obscene language or makes an obscene gesture; or (6) creates a public and hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act which such person is not licensed or privileged to do. For purposes of this section, "public place" means any area that is used or held out for use by the public whether owned or operated by public or private interests.

  (b) Breach of the peace in the second degree is a class B misdemeanor.

Maybe that’s why the cops used “throw” a brick - to conjure the idea that he exhibited a tumultuous or threatening behavior. But I know very little.