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phunky_1 OP t1_jbhiy0e wrote

The dude should be homeless, it is astonishing that someone can declare bankruptcy yet still get paid enough to live a rich lifestyle.


beanie0911 t1_jbhsyfv wrote

That’s because we live in a caste system, whether we like it or not. It matters who you are, not what you do.


1234nameuser t1_jbj6elq wrote

Lots of bankrupt small business owners still living in their own homes.


JohnBrownEye69 t1_jbif099 wrote

As a socialist, I believe housing is a human right.

But motherfuckers like this aren't humans so... Yeah. Agreed.


WhoInvitedMike t1_jbiwdh3 wrote

Idk what Jones's living arrangement is like, but I'd be very surprised to hear if it was subsistence housing. Roof, walls, toilet, privacy are human rights. Mansion? Nope-a-roo.


[deleted] t1_jbk7srr wrote



JohnBrownEye69 t1_jbkhndw wrote

It's impossible to justify the creations of a capitalist system with socialist explanations.

If we're talking about just a social safety net, and making sure every human being has housing provided as a human right, mcmansions are fine as long as everyone has access to some form of reasonable housing.

The only objection would be that mcmansions are generally wasteful and not built to last.


UhaRugger1 t1_jbhnnt9 wrote

I'm sure to him and his family he is "poor". Which is a really absurd thought but wouldn't be surprising.
