UhaRugger1 t1_jcicpuo wrote
Reply to comment by tronic50 in TIL that USPS ships day old baby chicks in the mail by shelovesbackshots
I usually give my post office a heads up with my info. My info is usually on the outside of the box anyway but they appreciate the notice and I've never had an issue. I tell them to call, regardless of what time, and I will come pick them up. You can usually hear them when you walk in the building.
UhaRugger1 t1_jcfif5k wrote
Reply to comment by KenDurf in Do you think Maine should mandate later start times for high schools? by benpinette
Yup. I was able to work 1-2 jobs in high school due to our early start time. It was 7:30am and we got out at 1:50pm.
UhaRugger1 t1_jbhnnt9 wrote
Reply to comment by phunky_1 in "Bankrupt" Alex Jones proposed to maintain 520k annual salary by phunky_1
I'm sure to him and his family he is "poor". Which is a really absurd thought but wouldn't be surprising.
UhaRugger1 t1_jbfhrvz wrote
Reply to comment by watch1_ott1 in Are Maine taxes as bad as people say? by SameProfession254
They are one of the northeastern states that are friendly to military retirement though. They don't tax military retirements at all.
UhaRugger1 t1_jbfggwa wrote
Reply to comment by gregra193 in Are Maine taxes as bad as people say? by SameProfession254
Our home in Florida has regular homeowners insurance, hurricane insurance, flood insurance, sink hole insurance (which I admittedly didn't renew this year), and a million dollar termite bond for formosan termites only. That's the most common type of termite in our area. If we were in northeastern, central or southern florida we would have to have other types of termite bonding. There are 3-4 types of termites in those areas that are prevalent.
Our regular homeowners with hurricane was $1400 when we first moved and now it's ~$3,000, I think closer to $3400 but I would have to double check. That doesn't include the flood, sink hole, or termite. We aren't in a flood zone but it has gone from $400 a year to $575 since it's based on housing value. Our termite is just under $400 a year, which we get a couple discounts on to get it to that number. Sinkhole used to be $400 per year and now is $500 but I didn't renew that this year due to sink holes not being prevalent in our area.
Our house is also now over 6 years old. I'm fully expecting a letter about them not covering our roof fully if there is damage going forward. Many companies have gone to a percentage of the roof based on age. We have a florida only insurance. USAA was 3x more expensive when we initially looked into insurances. Most of the nationwide insurances are much more expensive as well.
I can't wait to get out of this state. It's so expensive, there are no good services in our area, our tax dollars don't go far here due to extreme corruption, they cater to tourists mostly, and it's hot as hell.
Edit: our home is a 4/2/2, 2098 sqft that we bought for $252,700 in 2016. Our same house layout on a 1/10 of an acre, sold for $500k recently. It's absurd.
UhaRugger1 t1_jbfejqi wrote
Reply to comment by JayhawkInMaine in Are Maine taxes as bad as people say? by SameProfession254
This seems pretty on point. I have a friend who is in finance and did the math when they were moving from West Hartford CT to a cheap part of New Hampshire. There was only an $8,000 a year difference. They still wanted to live on west Hartford but their spouse wanted to live on NH. If they had moved to a more expensive part of NH, it probably would have been about the same. They had a lot less services where they moved in NH and NH likes to fee you to death.
Edit: it's like florida. We pay more to live in florida than we did to live in Fairfield county part of CT. Florida will fee you to death, property taxes go up every year because they add assessments last minute, then you have all the different insurances needed to have a house. It's crazy how much insurance and the types of insurances required.
UhaRugger1 t1_jb7lshk wrote
Reply to comment by activehobbies in Does CT need 169 municipalities? Some say merging makes sense by NicoleMcIsaac
Yeah, I live in the south currently under county government and it's a shit show. The money in the south end of the county ends up in the north end primarily. The south end is where all the tourists are. The north end is farms. In the south end we don't even have all our residential roads paved, no streetlights (unless a homeowner pays for it), no sidewalks, our services are atrocious and incredibly underfunded. People here complain any time someone brings up incorporation, they don't want "big government". But then in the same breath complain about how we have no drainage and can't get massive flooding issues fixed. I have zero desire to live in a county run area ever again.
UhaRugger1 t1_jawatpj wrote
Reply to comment by Familiar-Treacle-995 in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo
I have a friend who moved out of Vermont for that very reason. There was only 3 ways they would get to their job and two were usually heavily trafficked due to construction and would take an hour to get to work. They also lived 20 minutes from the closest grocery store. If there was something going on with the road, they SOL.
UhaRugger1 t1_jaw9vu9 wrote
Reply to comment by FuckSteveMills in CT number 1 in taxes? by dubauoo
I've lived in a couple different areas of NM. One being Albuquerque. I enjoyed Albuquerque but they do have some problems. The other being the "shit hole" the other poster was referencing. The majority of the locals didn't have past a 6th grade education and that 6th grade level was not comparable to CT or any northeastern state. A friend was a teacher in that particular town. Her 3rd graders were reading at a 1st grade NM education level. She had also taught 1st graders and would get kids who didn't even known letter sounds. I'm not talking a few kids. I'm talking full on entire classes of kids not able to make letter sounds because this was their first experience with school. At the time they had no kindergarten and no pre school. The lack of funding was astounding. People complain about lack of funding for schools in New England, they have never seen what happens when a state can't fund their schools. The majority of NM is a beautiful state, along with the other states on that list, but they have systemic issues. One may not care if they don't have kids but you should care. An educated society helps all. Those kids will grow up and have to work. Do you really want poorly educated people running the local government or working as aids in elderly homes.
UhaRugger1 t1_jaak0ci wrote
Reply to comment by woodyrg14 in Me and my partner from England wanting to visit Connecticut by woodyrg14
That guy is a bit much, but to be fair there isn't a quintessential American town. They don't compare. The towns in New England are nothing like towns in the south. Especially the coast line of CT which has the wealthier areas. If you want to see a wealthy New England town, that's one thing. But it won't be a good representation of an "American town".
UhaRugger1 t1_ja3oa5p wrote
Reply to comment by charons-voyage in Six-year-old Chesterville Girl Attacked by Dog Required 1,000 Stitches and Won’t Be Able to Smile Again by SarahDrish
My sibling was bit in the face by a lab. Almost got their eye. People assuming all labs are ok isn't great either.
UhaRugger1 t1_ja3nxzx wrote
Reply to comment by mymaineaccount46 in Six-year-old Chesterville Girl Attacked by Dog Required 1,000 Stitches and Won’t Be Able to Smile Again by SarahDrish
My aunt and uncle had a similar issue with a lab. It bit my sibling in the face. Then bit two more kids and a grandparent after that. But because it was lab, the rescue just assumed it was good to go.
UhaRugger1 t1_j9txszc wrote
Reply to comment by DreadnoughtPoo in What am I becoming? by DreadnoughtPoo
There is. Southern Fairfield county doesn't considered northern Fairfield county part of the county. Used to work in southern Fairfield county but lived in north. Had more than one client say they didn't even realize my town was a part of Fairfield county. They did but they didn't consider it a part of it.
UhaRugger1 t1_j91hnuj wrote
Reply to comment by AdHistorical7107 in here's a question regarding gun control by AdHistorical7107
The CT bar association would have that info. You could call them and find out.
UhaRugger1 t1_jeeqtya wrote
Reply to comment by hillarysabortedson in Has anyone moved out of CT because of seasonal depression? I enjoy CT but I’m only happy during June- august. by [deleted]
I live in florida. It has become more expensive than CT. My homeowners insurance is insane. I have 5 different insurances on my house alone. The pay down here is awful. The housing prices are through the roof.