Submitted by KenS7s t3_yhes4j in Connecticut
Should the state change the color or do different blue with colors.
Husky logo with special blue instead of constitution state it say Still Revolutionary at bottom
Submitted by KenS7s t3_yhes4j in Connecticut
Should the state change the color or do different blue with colors.
Husky logo with special blue instead of constitution state it say Still Revolutionary at bottom
What problem are you trying to solve here?
At least give us the retro for antique plates
How retro are you wanting though?
There’s have to be a study, then a team of designers.
Right. Waste of money. They should do nothing and spend any money they might use on the fucking license plate and just fix the god damned roads.
I mean CT has really only had two plates - white on blue and the current gradient, aside from a fluke couple of years where it was blue on white apparently (no recollection of this). Retro antique plates won’t be a perfect copy of any of the white on blue because it will need to say antique. It’s just easier than a YOM plate, and is probably close enough for most people.
Wasn’t there are dark navy or black plate with white letters/numbers? I think there may have been a couple different blues used as well. Might need to do research later. There was also the old combo plates that were I think a maroonish color letter/number on white background?
What’s wrong with The Constitution State?
They’ve never had antique combination plates though. I am 99% sure both the antique and YOM plate exceptions are only for passenger vehicles.
Change “The Constitution State” to “The Left Lane Dawdlers State”
Husky logo represents our flagship state school, not the state. Also I personally don't like when states use license plates for plastering their tourism mottos. I am from the state! Besides, our current design stands out from surrounding states and benefits from the fact that it hasn't been changed in so long since everyone has it. Just look at New York. There are 3 wildly different design iterations floating around. Nobody knows what to picture when they think of New York plates. I know that beautiful simple blue gradient a mile away, though!
There needs to be better vetting for transportation designers. Whoever thought a left hand exit from 91N to 84E was a good idea should only ever be gainfully employed as a mop boy at a peep show.
Only legible from the left as people are passing us on the right too quickly to read it anyway?
This seems unnecessary. They redid them like 15 years ago.
Waaay back they were black. But that was like in the 40's. There's one at my grandmother's house. Commercial had red letters with a white plate for a while.
If you’re going to do anything at all, go back to the retro royal blue with white lettering. But I’ve lived in 5 states and CT has by far the best standard and the best options. The antique plates are awesome and the save the sound ones are great as well.
Get a uconn vanity plate if you like it so much.
TrashPandaShire t1_iudd1sq wrote
We need the retro design. Also we need a design that is a nod to our special style of driving.